
Tiarra Monique / Blog


I always have so much to do, between writing, recording, engineering, editing, scheduling, consulting, and the list goes on. With so much brain power happening, I like to just take a break, and relax. I may watching my favorite shows, making a good meal, and playing my favorite video games. Yes, I'm a gamer, its not a guy thing, and it definitely helps create friendly competition between my husband and me. But with these things, I find myself being inspired by the stories, the messages, and the lessons or challenges you're introduced to through these different platforms of entertainment. I put it into perspective how these things were all once an idea in someone's mind, and how it was brought to life. It always leaves me anxious to get back to my crafts, knowing that it has the opportunity to inspire just by being a form of entertainment.

Up and up

Looked up, rank was up. This is such motivation for me and it just continues to make me work harder to deliver more. It is nice to be at this point in this journey. I have no regrets about anything, and I am grateful for knowing who the real people are in my life. Over these past three years, I have encountered many people that at one point shunned my thoughts of this path and continued to make me question newcomers. But I had to learn that's something that comes along with this path, not everyone is your friend, and you can't trust everybody. At the end of the day, in this world, it's about business, money, and who you know. It's hard to do much of anything without that. Whether you're a good person or have good intentions is irrelevant, at least until afterwards. So I keep God close and praises up.

Staying positive

Got so much content that it just waiting to be released. We've been working hard to make sure everything is executed properly and that we're putting our best foot forward. Sometimes things are stressful because of all the ends involved. Sometimes its stressful because people don't understand what all goes into this. Additionally without the right type and amount of love and supper, it can all start to seem pointless. However I am confident in myself, what I am doing, and I am prayerful it will trickle down to others.


Today has been extremely emotional for no real reason. But I had some time to think. I am responsible, honest, good-hearted, I have great intentions, I'm genuinely nice, and I mean well for people. And sometimes it felt like doing things the right way was constantly getting me nowhere. I would find myself getting angry at the small things that happened, but not because it happened. Because I didn't speak up or handle it differently, then I take that thought and apply it at the wrong time. My husband gave me a saying yesterday that finally resonated. "Good guys finish last." Now I've heard this many a times before, but I never felt it applied to me. But in retrospect to my life now and my experiences, I feel like I have been too nice. Too unbothered, and not respected the way I'd like to be. I guess that's why I like rap and hip hop so much. Its a constructive form of expression or emotions. My goodness, music is good.

So so

This day did not start off great. I'm just going to fake it until I forget about it.

Moving forward

It's another day. Knocking everything out like crazy. I've been thinking about my great-grandfather as well. His funeral is tomorrow and I am going to sing for him. My prayer is that focus on singing the song, and singing it extraordinarily well. I'm taking it one day at a time, and using this to keep me motivated.

Light at the end of the tunnel..... it's God's amazing awesomeness

Wow. I really couldn't didn't get much done yesterday with the passing of my great-grandfather. However, God stepped in with a master plan to replace that pain with joy and love. My sister gave birth to a beautiful little boy at 12:20am today, and to see a new life in the world made everything seem so much better. I haven't been talking about God much lately because people think you are trying to act like you are the perfect saint and that you are holier than thou. I know for a fact that I am not better than any other human being, but I do my best to apply the principles of love, kindness, and fairness everyday like God asks of us, and I believe in Jesus. It's just hard to really voice these things when you're into secular music. You can't give off too much spirituality without it seeming as if you're just confused or not practicing what your preach. I pray and read scriptures everyday, I just don't publicize it as much anymore. I want people to see/hear me and think of my music, because God will always be in it whether people realize it or not. Cause right now, with this music... I got tunnel vision....

Woke up like....

It's Monday. It's supposed to be the start of a week full of motivation. I went to sleep last night ready for the work I would put in this week. Then I found our my great-grandfather passed. The one I called Dad. The one that took care of me better than anyone. The one that would do all for me because no one else could or wanted to. The one who I most wanted to see me become successful. I didn't even have a way to see him one more time before he made his final transition. It doesn't hurt that he's gone, because I understand and accept death easy. But it does hurt to start my week off with such news. It makes it so hard to keep my focus and motivation going because it feels like I have to stop everything because of this. I am mourning him, and I want to be there for my family, but I can't just drop everything now. I am too far deep in to just walk away. And I know any work being done today will be clouded with this thought. But I refuse to just do nothing or sit around in sadness. That I will not do. Hopefully I get all my tears out and I can keep going with my day.


I've had a lot of time to myself to just think. Think about what has happened, what is happening, and what is about to happen. It reminds me of moments in my life where I reach milestones and it seemed like I was only thinking of it a short time ago. Time spent thinking, you get the value of life.


Steady boppin', movin', and groovin'! Ready for these singles to keep dropping. This new wave of inspiration and motivation just came over me. I'm seeing the people out here and I know I'm a great enough to succeed as well. I look at how far I have made it, and I see my purpose. I get upset sometimes because I want to share this joy with certain people but it's hard to comprehend on the other end. It's all good, the whole world about to be rocking' and boppin' too..