
Todd & Jimmie Dean / Blog

blog 28

Back at work again, im sure you are all familiar with the feeling of "why do i keep doing this", " this is a stupid waste of time", " im not any good", "my songs suck ass". and so forth. well im in the middle of writing a new song and have been feeling those comments. but then i come on here to reverbnation and see that im now at #15 for nashville, tn, Yesterday I was #6, and i read all the comments that all you wonderful people have left me and the encouragement to keep on keepin on. and i get a big boost. guess im just getting alittle scared about the recording deal and the reality of it. really im just trying to say thank you for all the support form all of you. and to give you the same.....dont ever stop or give up! just come on here and you will get a boost of encouragement. peace to all of you and thank you.

blog 27

well back at work again. will be home on the 28th. then have work in two different studios to do. cant wait until this cd is finished. putting a new song on it and taking one of the old ones off. new song is call "tears im cryin over you" slow country. everyone keep on making the great music and doing the great things you do. peace

blog 26

well back at work again. get to go home on the 24th. but have to go to court on the 25th yipee. then have work in two different studios to do. cant wait until this cd is finished. putting a new song on it and taking one of the old ones off. new song is call "tears im cryin over you" slow country. everyone keep on making the great music and doing the great things you do. peace

blog 25

well just finished 2 long and grueling and great days in the studio reworking my songs for cd. resinging remixing, track cleaning, and remastering all 10 songs. got 4 done. should get finished next month when i get home. also want to say thank you to all fans who have written all the very nice and supportive comments here on reverb. peace

blog 24

sitting on the boat in pascagoula mississippi watching the storm ( TS Debby ) come towards us. interesting!! well maybe a song will come from it if the storm is strong enough. haha. its ok, i love storms. and i can handle anything when i only have a day and a half until i go home. peace to all.

blog 23

half way through my hitch. 10 days to go, then get to go home. busy time when i get there. will be in studio with visionway records who have been tearing apart the music tracks on my songs and cleaning them up. then re mixing them. when i get there will be resinging them. will have singing coach and producer working with me. and we will keep at them until they (the songs) are correct. i am really looking forward to it. then when that is finished, the record company and i will sit down and pick a release for the radio. so cool. then will start developing a video for it. amazing how far things have progressed in just a year. thank all of you who have listened and became my fans and friends. please if you like what i do, tell a friend of yours who you think might like my music also. well peace to all.

blog 22

im sure you are all familiar with the feeling of "why do i keep doing this", " this is a stupid waste of time", " im not any good", "my songs suck ass". and so forth. well im in the middle of writing a new song and have been feeling those comments. but then i come on here to reverbnation and see that im now at #39 for nashville, tn, and i read all the comments that all you wonderful people have left me and the encouragement to keep on keepin on. and i get a big boost. guess im just getting alittle scared about the recording deal and the reality of it. really im just trying to say thank you for all the support form all of you. and to give you the same.....dont ever stop or give up! just come on here and you will get a boost of encouragement. peace to all of you and thank you.

blog 21

just got back to work. dagnamit! had a great and busy time at home. the song dagnamit is out. just demo version. all music is being tore apart and put back together as we speak. although were not actually speaking. anyway so next time im off i willl be back in the studio with producer and singing coach and all the bells. yes, i am signing with a label. so cool. took a year. well i hope all have a great day, week, month, and year. keep up the great work that all of you do. peace to all.

blog 20

well the move is done. my sons were great sure appreciated their help. now we are unpacking and setting up house. my wife is like a little girl playing house. today we go to the studio to record DAGNAMIT hope it turns out like i hear it. will post it as soon as i like the result. will keep you posted. have a great week and peace to all.

blog 19

im in the final stretch. just 4 more days and i get to go home. then i get to pack up the truck and move then unpack it. happy me. then go to studio. then have a meeting. practice, practice, and more practice. busy, busy, busy, but i will be home and that is great. well peace to all and have a great day full of fantastic music here on reverbnation.