
Russell Reed - Coastal Cowboy / Blog

First Friday Downtown Bryan

Everybody come out to first Friday in downtown Bryan and hang out with me while I perform at the La Salle Hotel.

Farmers Market this weekend

Hey everybody dont forget to come out to the Brazos Valley Farmers Market this weekend! I have a couple new songs I want everyone to hear. They will have a lot of booths set up with great fresh produce and my lil girl might even have her a booth set up out there!! Ya'll come on out and enjoy!!

New Music

Hey everybody just wanted to touch base with you. I got my new recording system in last week and I am still trying to figure it all out, but I did get my new song recorded on it and I have posted it on my page. Hope you like it and more to come soon hopefully!!

Brazos Valley Farmers Market

Hey everybody I got the opportunity to go out to the Brazos Valley Farmers Market last weekend and play for a great group of people. There was a great turn out and I really enjoyed it. Unfortunately due to weather my show at farmers market was canceled this week, but I am looking forward to getting back out there next saturday to make that up to them! Check them out on Facebook or www.brazosvaleyfarmersmarket.com.

happy new year!

Long time no see! I've been busy, writing songs and enjoying the holidays. You guys check out my new one, Feel This in My Song. A family inspired little number based on my holiday experiences. Good stuff!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everybody! And happy birthday to Lucio, Brandon, and Baby Jesus. Can't wait to see you guys and play a few tunes for ya! Next week ill be re cutting some of my songs, so everyone stay tuned. And check out my new song everybody! Love to you all, and a special thanks to Josh Spivey.


What a show! Some of us are still recovering. You know who you are! It was great seeing everyone, and Jared even let me sing with him! Gotta love that guy!

its friday!

Went to to watch my "coach", Mr. Jared Alan Stuart play last night at shipwreck. Wow! This man can talk to women in the audience, bang his head, take a shot, and request another shot, all while playing the guitar and never miss a beat. Yeah tonights show is gonna be one for the history books!

Tabor Store Christmas Party

Y'all come see me and the great Jared Alan Stuart at Republic of Texas (aka Tabor Store) tomorrow night!! Dec. 16th!

Playing live music at the Sheraton Hotel in S.A. Tonight

Come hang out with us by the outdoor fireplace while I play and sing at the Sheraton hotel in San Antonio tonight!