
Henny Lo / Blog

Be yourself!!!

Why does it seem so hard for the everyday person to just be who they are? I see the average person trying so hard on a daily basis to look, dress, talk, and be seen totally different that they really are. Why is it so hard for You to just like You and the things you like without societies negative input?

What is the game comin to?

If you don't have some type of integrity in everything you do then it will always have flaws in its framing. I see the game filling up wit ish we all know someone had to swallow thy pride to let ride. How do youfeel about the game today

The No Shake Campaign

This round of music we got coming up is going to be a real game changer. Movies, Videos, Webisodes, and books. This time the focus is more on having a good time with the music and at the same time get the message of what the game need across too. What you think?