
hilrant / Blog

thanks dear friends-fans...

here's to wish all my friends and fans out there a brilliant xmas and new year . thank you all for your support-help-inspiration and of course your brilliant music.sorry if i did'nt get back to all of you before xmas -i will get back to you as soon i can.may the new year bring marvellous pleasures for us all-rock on dear friends -all my love -hilrant

all hail thee.....

well it's taken a little (lot ) longer than i wanted but the tracks are coming together for what will be the next hilrant album. i maybe have 5 more tracks to sort out ( add vocals -whatever-tho' one has no vocals at all yet-and i really think it should have some. anyways -i've also been selecting images for the c.d.art- which is also slowly getting there.i would sincerely like to thank all you guys out there who've dropped in and supported hilrant here on reverbnation( plus all the guys at the site to.i'm having me a ball here listening to the best of the best music and connecting with truly talented folks who make this is more than awesome.great friendships-fanships-and alot of inspiration.hilrant would love to thank you all.hope your chritsmas' are full of fun and laughter.may the new year bless us all with fruit and gifts for all our labours.if in doubt then just-" ROCK OUT !" amen and out.

whats new

had a lot of stuff hanging about for quite some time.managed to mix down 2 new tracks for what will be the next hilrant album..

live hilrant

actually got out and did some open mic last night -well it's only been 7 months since the last one.(shocking!! ) was planning many more bit shit happens and i guess it did .hence the gap.did'nt get it on here tho'.bit of busy rushed day.anyways really enjoyed it.the sound was pretty good .hoping to get out again next week in cardiff if so i'll post it up.many thanks to anyone who dug it.cheers to kay, jayne and of course mr a for his cahoning and supports ( they fit wondrfully! )

thanks to one and all...

sincere thank you's to everybody who's dropped by and listened to hilrant/become a fan e.t.c please do keep spreading the word.i'm doing my best to get back to you all( slowly ) but i wanna check out your tunes too!! okay?? okay thats it for nowt-lets rock thissss muther!!!!!

videos & new bits/old bits...

a few rough and not quite ready vids and live jams are up on hilrants facebook & youtube = including brand new song =jeremy clarkson

ill -time out

health takes a dip-so i take a sip of medicine goo-i'm gonna sit back and listen to you guys forra while-oh!-ooh-i've got indigestion-pass me that big stick-i think i'll shove it down my throat-i'll be better when i'm sick (baaaaaaarrrrfffff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )

hilrant this years seedy releases 2011

3 new albums available this year = 1. melancholia by hilrant ( electronic experimentation album),started life as a soundtrack but soon got peppered with words/no guitars/tho' a single album release- still comes in just under 80 mins.and album that has to be listend to with heart open and soul bared to the floor boards-nice with a herbal uh-tea! or a bucket of absinthe with a straw! 2. electric tortoise -amplified shell -yess another hilrant release tho' this time in rock band form=hilrant as band=electric tortoise-rock guitar mode-great with a couple of bottles of bud,or vodders-sing to it!-scream to it! dance your fanny off to it! 3.deaths jest (hilrants previous band )- the last laugh here's an album of unreleased songs from -legend and hilrant- this album is a collection of great songs -not just odditties we did'nt finish.fun for halloween with a bucket of bloody mary(nice girl even tho' she's a hemophiliac-neck-romancer!)

deaths jest
deaths jest  (over 12 years ago)

looking forward to the jest album dude, loving hindsight.