
Nino Graye F4EMusicGroup / Blog

New Song

New Song up called "Family Ties" ....You can also check it out the song plus others on the new latest album "BEST SO FAR". You can purchase the album here www.f4etrax.bandcamp.com #hiphop


Want to network? I am always looking to connect with artist. Send songs with open verses for feature consideration to: nino@f4emusic.com Serious Inquiries only. Have a budget ready.

New Merchandise

New Merchandise is available Free 2 Obey shirts are in and also only today get 20% off www.cafepress.com/flow4ever

Big News

I have some big news for my fans I will be on Canibus new album "Fait Accompli" look for it 6-10.2014

New Song up

New song up "Bring The Noise" Produced by Vherbal check it out. Thanks for everyone that has either looked at my page and has listened to my music. Much appreciated

New stuff

Check out the videos and songs I have put up and make sure you go grab the app. Show May 16th 2014 w/ Crooked I come by the shop and purchase a shirt and get it signed by me. Glass City albums available ask me how to get one!

New Store

New store is up check this out http://www.cafepress.com/flow4ever shirts, stickers, bags, toys, shoes n more

Welcome To My New App

I hope you enjoy this app as much as I did making it. Go listen to the songs and play your heart out. I do this for you!


www.twitter.com/NinoGrayeF4E www.reverbnation.com/ninof4emusicgroup www.soundcloud.com/ninograye www.facebook.com/pages/NinoGrayeFANPAGE


The final touches of the creative process are in the works with a DUAL-FULL LENGTH Mixtape Project release from Flow-4-Ever Music Group's very own Nino Graye. Two 20+song releases on the same day was something Nino said he was interested to do when we sat down with him earlier this week in between kids and writing sessions. (Q.) So, is this going to be like F4E Presents:The Vault? Which hit iTunes,Amazon, and most other digital vendors early this year right? (A.) "Yeah yeah it (Vault) dropped and I was very satisfied with that project. But no, to the answer the question this is basically the opposite of the Vault's direction. It's industry-trendy-zombie-beats that are popular in the recent music scene." (Q.) Ok ok, so is there going to be a host on this like The Vault had? DJ SYMPHONY laced that one.(www.djsymphony.com) Raekwon's DJ put his hands on that. What was that like? (A.) "Yeah man um DJ Symphony, first off DJ Symphony is a problem out here. Got a tenacious work ethic, and his team is razor sharp. I actually got into talks with Symphony through watching his twitter for links and leaks and shit. The rest just made sense as I was recording the Vault. Like...get this man to host and call this one a wrap. But I was very excited about that co-op" (Q.) So, alright kinda got off there, haha. But back to the reason were here. Yes, the DUALTAPE RELEASE of F4E:ZOMBIEBAIT/FREEDUMB. Tell us about it Nino. (A.) *laughs* I just had this feeling that most of the shopping consumers, that buy the cd's and cop downloads and mp3's are into trendier disposable kinds of shit. So I just had some lists of beats and songs I've heard that I wanted to rap on and never did. And I decided to release it for free cuz I cannot get paid off of it so fuck 'em. *laughs* plus the beats are very weak in my opinion. So I just wrote the project with fun in mind." (Q.) Awesome. and I have to ask ... the zombie thing. (A.) My nickname for the consumer in us all. But from a musical standpoint it's the money over craft process of thinking people. They just mindlessly reproduce bullshit hollow songs to keep a flow of money and popularity.It sickens me." (Q.) Got you, that's actually a creative way to look at things Nino. Your songs show off a very colorful and creative mind. And you have a storytelling ability that is very smooth. Where do you think that came from? Or, like do you know where you got it? (A.) Yeah, I was a nerd. Comics and horror flicks. Gory graphic novels and anime. Listened to all kinds of music, any genre basically. Reading was a huge pastime as a kid, because there was no internet when I first was growing up. I liked to write my own stories about monsters and shit like that. And drew comic books and made charachters and all that. So, I was kind of built for writing young. Then the love for music was in my blood. But it took me a little while to blend it and be myself with it. Like 2 years of lyrical experimentation and studying the major cats put me where I am. Underground influenced me to stay indie because I like the vibe of the people better. And I think HIP HOP BEATS ALL *yells*"