
Descending The Heavens / Blog

5 August 2013

Ello :) welcome back to the DTH blog, FacePlant here and I'm gunna keep this one short and sweet. We played another show at the Miramar Theater in Millwaukee on 7/26 with Allegaeon; badass show, great sound system fantastic crowd and playing with a keyboardist (Erin) really adds the depth we needed. The energy was certainly flowing at tonight's show at the High Noon Saloon in Madison. We shared the stage with Burial of and Era, Vermillion, and Jungle Rot, all great acts; groovy, brutal, "stomp your face with golf spikes" is possibly the best way to describe it. A big ol' THANK YOU! to Dan "The Man" and Katrina for helping us out, we fucking love you guys. Another thank you to Randy from NYDM for booking us for the evening; Each and every one of the people who came out to enjoy a fantastic evening of metal. All the guys from Burial of and Era, Vermillion, Jungle Rot. For teh closing I must say if you want to listen to some sweet metal to check out the bands we played with, fantastic acts :) Thanks for keeping up to date, don't forget to check out our merch and facebook page and keep an ear out for our ep! Much love, FacePlant


Welcome back loves ;) FacePlant as always bringing you another update on our "road to recording". To begin I'm going to start off by saying THANK YOU to EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU FANS!!! Without you this is impossible so thank you for the support, we could not do it without you!! \m/ !! We have many fun things to talk about this update so without further ado, let's get to it :) On July 3rd on our way to the show at the Miramar in Milwaukee we were asked if we wanted to headline a show in Madison as well, so being the 'cool guys' we are we took on the challenge. We arrived at the Miramar and played a fantastic 'warm-up' show (I believe we started at 6 or so that night) in preparation of our show in Madison and after loading up our gear and slamming a few 40's we hit the road to the Wisco with our good friends Dan and Katrina (thank you guys, we love you!). The entire way to Madison we were doing an A Capella version of our newest song in hopes we would play it that evening unfortunately that didn't happen but we put on a very intense show that evening, it was a very long day though as we didn't get back to Watertown until 3ish am. Worth it though in the long run, showed that we could play two shows in the same day. Onward we must march though, so onto that weekend! Saturday we got together and worked on new material and got ready to have a keyboardist tryout on Sunday. She is an absolutely phenomenal keyboard player, progressing further and further each time we get together for a practice. So on that Sunday we welcomed Erin to D.T.H, we don't have a nickname for her yet but I am sure it will come eventually, I personally am very excited to start playing shows with her in the mix. Now onto the really fun weekend, the one this blog has been leading up to. July 12th, that day started great, a few brews, a little bit of vodka and some whiskey while swimming at Lake Mills. It was also suppose to be the first day of recording in Pewaukee but there was a little communication breakdown and that plan was foiled, it was great to relax for a while in the water and just hangout however. After we got back to watertown the rest is kind of a blur, at least for me, all I know is far too much whiskey, vodka, and beer was consumed that night; but that is only part of it, I fought a few bushes, lost a container of fresh french fries, made a mess playing beer pong and passed out on the toilet with a picture on FaceBook to document it. Yup, this story has a great life lesson and also inspired the name of our beer pong team the next night though "Don't Drink Cheap Vodka". Saturday's practice was also very very good, we played for a solid 7 and a half hours, we also went to the beach again and had more drinks; fortunately there was no vodka so no fighting of bushes or passing out occurred but a high five to my beer pong partner Beth as we took 2nd place in the tournament that night. Now we must move onto the Sunday fun day though! After 5 hours of recording, playing, re-playing, and some more re-playing we each received a pre-production copy of our songs, get mixing, and phenomenal vibes from everyone there. It was a little strange recording with people watching but the set-up was great and the tracks were starting to sound really good, we cannot wait until the final mix of our single Nights of Abhorrence is done and ready to be released to all of you. Speaking of Nights of Abhorrence our t-shirt pre-sales are officially started for those shirts so get your hands on them, only $10 dollars a piece!! Welp everyone sorry for that incredibly long and grammatically horrible, piece of writing but thank you for sticking it out and wanting to stay updated, there is more to come later I promise :) So be on the lookout for everything DTH and from all of us here, keep it metal!! \m/


Hello friends and fans, FacePlant here to bring you a short update on our progress. Decimation at Duck Creek got cancelled due to some stupid things with the police thinking our 2 Day Metal Festival was going to be a 'edm rave event'. Apparently since there were more than 1,000 people invited on the event page on Facebook. Oh well though, we still got Unnecessary Gunpoint Lecture, Seeking The Hollows, and Atamis together with us to play a last minute show at '1st Down Sports Bar' in Watertown WI. Big thank you to all those guys, and Russ Kreuger of Grave Remains for providing killer sound for us on 6/21. Other than some technical problems with Connor's amp this show went great, every band killed it and the crowd loved every set, so thank you to everyone that came out.

We decided to take the day off on Saturday to get ready for our show at The Rave / Eagles Ballroom. Which brings me to that show; luckily one of our vocalists friends 'Waters' let us use his amp and cab for this show. The show went well, the sound (in our monitors, instrument volumes and vocals) wasn't the greatest, but we pulled through and put on a good show.

On July 3rd we are playing a show at the Miramar in Milwaukee Wi, we have tickets available for $10 so just shoot us a message if you're interested. We also started our t-shirt pre-sales today so look for the link on our Facebook page!!!! Next weekend we plan on working more on our new songs and recording our single "Nights of Abhorrence" so stay tuned for that!!

Much love to you all!

Weekend of 6/14-16/2013

Hey everyone, FacePlant here again with another update on DTH! We had some really really great shows this weekend; Friday we played in Ixonia Wisonsin, which will be one of my personal favorites for a long time I'm sure. Then on Saturday we drove all the way up to Rhinelander Wisconsin for another awesome show, with another big weekend upcoming, but we will start at the beginning. The show in Ixonia included Squidhammer (our second time playing with them) and Atamis (our third time playing together), two brilliant bands who brought a lot of energy and pumped the crowd up. The mosh pits were great and the venue/barn we played in made everyone sound fantastic! So a huge thank you to those of you who came out to see an awesome show and had a chance to hangout with the bands. The show in Rhinelander also went well, a HUGE shoutout to anyone who made it out to that one and to the sound engineer from The Grave Remains (second appearance with them) for making us sound really great! This was by far the furthest we have ever gone for a gig, we packed up the cars at around 3 pm and then drove for four hours to "Quades Our Place" bar in Rhinelander Wisconsin. We played our very first show at The Wisco in Madison Wisconsin with the same bands on this ticket: Murdercore, Samyaza, and The Grave Remains. So a big thanks to all of them for giving us the opportunity to play another show with them. We have another big weekend planned for 6/21-23/2013 so I will go through those plans for you guys :) On Friday June 21st we are playing "Decimation at Duck Creek" in Pardeeville Wisconsin, we do have details available and tickets available for that show if you are interested. It is a two day event and camping is included with the $10 purchase of the ticket if you do a pre-order through us or another band, otherwise it is $15 at the door. Which brings me to Sunday June 23, another two day event known as "Hometown Throwdown" in Milwaukee Wisconsin at The Rave! This show is $7 for one day and $10 for both days, not bad for being able to see 22 bands! Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend and looks into some of our shows in the near future. be sure to check out our FaceBook page for details on our "shirt/ticket sale combo" for our show at the Miramar in Milwuakee "Independence Eve Massacre" on July 3rd! $15 gets you a ticket and a t-shirt, can't go wrong with that!

Peace everyone, Vince ;)


Drunken Blog ;) Hey everyone, Vince 'FacePlant' W. here, bringing you an update on D.T.H out of Watertown. Things are going well with the writing of our EP INFINITE, have a few new songs in the works and tightening up our current set list for shows in our spare time. We are playing a few shows this summer so be sure to check out our reverbnation or facebook page for info on them. Hope everyone has a great weekend, party hard and drive safe, oh yeah and while you're at it check out our tunes and rock the hell out!! \m/

-Vince :)