
Martin Bongo feat Alan Dawson on the banjo / Blog

Back pain and beautiful Beatrice cont...

Morning all. The frustration of dull constant pain has brought forth a change in Beatrice (my new song) turning it into a relentless, almost trance inducing track. The bass line that Jason has put down is exactly what i am feeling!. We have gigs confirmed upto October so far and should have a lot more coming. Yey!! On with life..

Frustration and Beatrice

i have been in my room on my own since Saturday morning 7am. 2 new ideas for songs that have been knocking about in my head have finally made an entrance. Whether the rest of the band and you the people of the world will like them is a tale yet to be played out. To be continued....

Hi, Hello and good evening

Bongo here, blogging isn't something i do very often but i will try and write the odd event in. If you have any questions about the band or ourselves feel free to get in touch. Tractors ! ! !