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Rock n' Roll Trivia of the Day

Rock n' Roll Trivia of the Day Question: Which artist did the Australian government blast to deter youth from congregating on weekends in '06? Answer: Barry Manilow #RockTrivia

Rock n' Roll Trivia of the Day

Rock n' Roll Trivia of the Day Question: How did blues man Robert Johnson die in 1937? Answer: Poisoning #RockTrivia

Rock n' Roll Trivia of the Day

Rock n' Roll Trivia of the Day Question: What Elvis Presley-approved spin off was advertised as, "doing everything except sing like Elvis"? Answer: The Elvis Presley Doll #RockTrivia

Rock n' Roll Trivia of the Day

Rock n' Roll Trivia of the Day Question: Who was the first Beatle offspring to garner a record deal? Answer: Julian Lennon #RockTrivia

Rock n' Roll Trivia of the Day

Rock n' Roll Trivia of the Day Question: Who issued a statement in Dec. '83 saying, "The Who wouldn't work together again"? Answer: Pete Townsend #RockTrivia

Rock n' Roll Trivia of the Day

Rock n' Roll Trivia of the Day Question: What candies did Bealtemaniacs throw at their heroes? Answer: Jellybeans #RockTrivia

Rock n' Roll Trivia of the Day

Rock n' Roll Trivia of the Day Question: Which Rolling Stone said he liked Vivaldi and Marvin Gaye's, "Greatest Hits" on getting up.? Answer: Mick Jagger #RockTrivia

Rock n' Roll Trivia of the Day

Rock n' Roll Trivia of the Day Question: Who fired Jimi Hendrix from his band in 1965 for missing the bus? Answer: Little Richard #RockTrivia

Rock n' Roll Trivia of the Day

Rock n' Roll Trivia of the Day Question: In how many commercials did Elvis appear? Answer: Just one, in 1954 for Southern Maid Doughnuts. #RockTrivia

Rock n' Roll Trivia of the Day

Rock n' Roll Trivia of the Day Question: What was the only song The Beatles gave another artist credit for performing on? Answer: Get Back with Billy Preston playing organ. #RockTrivia