
Djinn Djinni / Blog

The assassination of Donald "Hitler" Trump

The fake assassination of Donald "Hitler Trump last week is staged, thats what I believe. We all know what the billionaire is, a blatant liar and scam artist who should have been on the electric chair for the attempt to overthrow the US 'democracy" on the 6th of January. The stupidity of this racist fascist KKK front man is clear. he only cares about winning no matter what he has to do to sway the elections in his favour. Donald "Hitler pussygrabber" Trump, like many public figures, has been the subject of strong opinions, both positive and negative. Critics often accuse him of 100% dishonesty, pointing to instances where his statements have been factually inaccurate or misleading. His KKK nad hillbillie supporters, on the other hand, argue that his policies and leadership have brought positive changes, particularly in areas like the economy, immigration, and foreign policy. Really. Donald Trump is in fact a coward, I bellieve he should be sent to the frontline to fight for Ukraine against the Russian occupier. And hopefully he would be killed there. He is GOP Republican filth. Not that I think the USA will be better with Kamala Hariis. They are two sides of the same capitalistic coin. They both represent corruption lies and deception. Pi-Qui

The TRUTH is

The Truth is that the famous pianist illham - who is billed on the Australian MSO website as "as one of the finest pianists of his generation" - was born in Australia but lives in the UK.

At the concert at the Iwaki Auditorium on Sunday, 11 August 2024, he performed "Witness", written by Australian composer Connor D'Netto, which the MSO says was a last-minute addition.

"Over the last 10 months, Israel has killed more than 100 Palestinian journalists," Mr Gillham said before starting the piece.

A number were "targeted assassinations of prominent journalists" who were traveling in marked press vehicles or wearing press jackets, he claimed.

For your convenience, remember this one?

Fourteen months after Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh was shot dead while covering a IDF raid in the West Bank, an Israeli army investigation admitted that there was a "high probability" that she had been "accidentally hit" by Israeli fire.Really??? Like 40.000 citizens we're murdered on purpose, women and children murdered by the Zionist beasts from the IDF APARTHEID Israel in Gaza

"The killing of journalists is a war crime in international law, and it is done in an effort to prevent the documentation and broadcasting of war crimes to the world," he added. That is also why AlJazeera is blocked by Israel together with other news agencies.

In an email to its patrons (probably rich Zionist Jews) , the MSO said they were blindsided by Mr Gillham's comments and he had put them in a "difficult situation". Remember what Jesus did with the jewish money changers in the Temple?

“The MSO does not condone the use of our stage as a platform for expressing personal views”, it added. Complete bullshit, a music performance is a vision of the composer, a personal view. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cn02jd0n9d2o

How long will the world accept the Zionist Jewish blackmail and start to act on apartheid Israel and its genocide of Palestinians and Arabs? Pi-Qui

The Forbes 500 and its owned politicians are the real climate criminals

The Forbes 500 and its owned politicians are the real climate criminals! The claim that the Forbes 500 and their associated politicians are "climate criminals" is a strong and provocative one. The reason behind this statement: 1. Fossil Fuel Dependency and Environmental Impact Many of the largest corporations on the Forbes 500 list are deeply entrenched in industries that are major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, such as oil, gas, and coal. These industries have significant environmental footprints, leading to air and water pollution, habitat destruction, and significant carbon emissions. 2. Corporate Lobbying and Political Influence Multinationals engage in extensive lobbying to influence policy in their favor. 3) Blocking Climate Legislation: Fossil fuel companies and their allies have historically lobbied against climate policies that would restrict emissions or impose costs on carbon, such as carbon taxes or stricter environmental regulations. 4)Funding Climate Denial and Misinformation Big Oil and banks have funded think tanks and campaigns that spread misinformation about climate science, creating doubt and delaying action. Financial support for organizations and scientists who deny the scientific consensus on climate change. Funding campaigns that downplay the severity of climate change or the role of fossil fuels in causing it. 5) Through political contributions, large multinationals and wealthy individuals buy influence in politics. 6) Super PACs and Dark Money: Funding of political action committees that can spend unlimited amounts of money to support or oppose candidates and policies, often without full transparency. 7) Obstruction of Renewable Energy Development, fossil fuel companies have taken active steps to hinder the growth of renewable energy through market manipulation : So the accusation that the Forbes 500 and their owned politicians are "climate criminals" stems from their significant roles in perpetuating fossil fuel dependency, obstructing climate action, spreading misinformation, and leveraging political influence to shape policies in their favor. So organisations like LETZTE Genaration and Xtinction Rebellion are ruthlessly attacked by goverrnments and the police. https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jul/25/frankfurt-airport-temporarily-halts-flights-after-climate-activists-stage-demonstration

People fight back. Pi-Qui

It would have been a great day for America

It would have been a great day for America when the 20 year shooter and hero Thomas Matthew Crooks would have killed the Disciple of EVIL Donald "Hitler" Trump in Pennsylvania. Its a real sad moment that he didn't kill that asshole Donald Trump. But we still have months to murder Trump, Remember those millions of Americans that died because of that idiot sociopath Donald Trump during the corona epidemic?! The hundreds of thousands who were scammed by the same Donald Trump, The man is pure evil, and for me its unbelievable that people support this scammer par excellence. Con artists weave their lies with a smirk and a wink and coax their marks with a pied piper’s tune. They lead their quarry astray with smooth talk but are essentially vulgar and abusive, concocting sinister plans and secretly mocking those who fall for their scams. Conman like Donald "scammer" Trump relentlessly persevere, finding new marks willing to embrace their seductive trance. Victims don’t realize what they are about to lose until their valuables, hopes or dreams have vanished. The former president’s Trump devious enterprises, both during his term in office and in the years before, are grand and complex. His appeal and behavior still fool millions who somehow believe a evil creature of the swamp is motivated to drain it. He clings to his current presidential candidacy in one of the greatest hustles of all time. Trump’s past is littered with scams, in the beginning he was a slippery real estate developer using his father’s wealth to scam other people. Trump’s dominant, tough-guy TV image – with his catchphrase “You’re fired” – crowned his legacy of causing pain and devastation. There are thousands of examples of his scurrilous behavior. Crooks would have been a HERO, and what those hypocrites like Joe "genocide" Biden say is totally irrelevant. Trump or Biden? Both are DISCIPLES of EVIL.. Now the world has to suffer, thousands loosing their lives because of the policies performed by the Shaitan America and other evil political powers.. I hope the world will come to its senses and get rid of all evil men like Putin, Xi, Modi to name a few,. That would be agreat day for the world. Update; https://variety.com/2024/music/news/jack-black-tenacious-d-kyle-gass-dont-miss-trump-next-time-1236072763/ we fully agree with Tenacious D. Pi-Qui

Biden or Trump? Both of them are pure scum of the Earth.

Biden or Trump? Both of them are pure scum of the Earth. Both of them are capitalist fascists no matter what the mainstream media say. Both are involved in the genocide of Palestinians. They behave like spoilt American children, with a mental disorder, when you watch the "debate". These men cannot be called President, they do not have stature to be a real president. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/6/28/israel-war-on-gaza-live-people-flee-in-terror-as-tanks-drones-attack Pi-Qui

The genocide performed by apartheid Israel

The genocide performed by Zionist Jewish apartheid Israel . Check this; This ad from the Israeli government says “there are no innocent civilians” in Gaza. https://x.com/DrJillStein/status/1802832054280950263 This might be Israel’s most blatant genocidal rhetoric yet. The world must condemn this in the strongest terms, declare war on Zionist apartheid Israel! Deleted Israeli ad showed ‘blatant genocidal rhetoric’ by Bibi Benjamin "genocide" Netanyahu. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/6/18/israel-war-on-gaza-live-hamas-hits-invading-troops-again-in-tal-as-sultan?update=2982007 And this is what Joe Biden the hypocrite Democrat supports?? As a matter of fact with the upcoming elections in the US, the world will have to face several evils. Donald "Hitler" Trump or Joe "genocide" Biden are both in the November 2024 elections! Both views of these evil old men, are in fact fascism. It is clear to me that democracy, justice in America aka the US is error 404, both are not found and whoever wins in November 2024, the US looses and the rest of the world too. We will have to face the US aka Sauron, and the evil ringwraiths, like Putin from Russia or Xi from China, the murderous military of Myanmar, or the war crimes in Sudan. Our world is an evil place when "human" beasts like this are involved. Happily the. Earth spirit fights back, and we will all face the consequences of catastrophic climate change, the extinction of our species. Thanks to these idiots. Thats at least is a reassuring thought. the evil represented by humanity as a whole will be non existent within a century. Pi-Qui

Benjamin "genocide" Netanyahu should be tried for crimes

Benjamin "genocide" Netanyahu should be tried for crimes against humanity and the Palestinians. We advise the electric chair for his war cabinet members, Gantz included. And Netanyahu should be hanged from the highest tree. No escape for this Zionist Jewish massmurderer Netanyahu. https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2024/jun/17/middle-east-crisis-live-biden-adviser-israel-hezbollah-clashes-gaza-netanyahu

Monsters have taken over our world

Monsters have taken over our world. Whether its Netanyahu, Biden, Putin, Macron, Xi, Modi and many more...they are all monsters. I know that Nature has its own language, dolphins, elephants, insects and many other "animals" have their own language. But we span the crown, cruel, without compassion, barbaric, that describes our "leaders" best. May all of them go to hell, that's what they deserve. https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2024-06-11/african-elephants-greet-talk-names-rumble-communication/103944758 Remember the stories of Anansi? I am the Messenger for Mother Earth. And I curse us, the human species, , you will all go extinct, within 50 years, because the species humans deserve it. Humans are sick animals. To hell with them. Pi-Qui

Why I commnet on this cruel barbaric world?

Why I comment on this cruel barbaric world? For everything is a reason, I have my reasons too. That I believe that almost all Zionist Jews from Benjamin "genocide" Netanyahu have to be exterminated, outlawed worldwide, is because I see these Zionist Jewish murderous beasts of the IDF carrying out their atrocities and massacre of Palestinians every day in Gaza and the West Bank. These Zionist Jewish beasts are barbarians, cruel with no compassion or conscience, murdering children, women. I feel ashamed of the Dutch Universities, they want to keep their ties with apartheid Israel! I feel ashamed of the Dutch government who supports the genocide performed by apartheid Israel on Palestinians. These rotten Zionist Jews, have oppressed the Palestinians for 75 years. poisoned their water wells, used biological warfare against Arabs, Palestinians and Muslims..Whatever the Dutch government says on apartheid Israel, they are not speaking on my behalf. And those sob stories in the Western social media https://www.nu.nl/midden-oostenconflict/6315861/brandend-noord-israel-maakt-zich-op-voor-oorlog-met-hezbollah.html makes me want to vomit, typical colonial reporting from the G20. Luckily there are also good forces. The UN has put apartheid Israel on the black list! For performing war crimes against civilians. Finally a good thing. But does it help? Its only cosmetic criticism. For my part. the apartheid Israel can be burnt down to the ground, and all the Jews who support Netanyahu with it. I have become antisemitic thanks to eight months of atrocities against Palestinians by Zionist forces. The land Palestine was stolen in 1948 from the Palestinians by Western forces and turned into occupied land by Zionist Jews. They we're never asked if they agreed with this decision! Its typical colonial thinking. How would you feel? My reaction? I would join the resistance Hamas, to help them to get their land back. So for me its, from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. I am for the total destruction of the apartheid state Israel aka Israhell. This is what we all should do when Zionist apartheid Israel speaks https://www.aljazeera.com/program/newsfeed/2024/6/7/delegates-walk-out-of-un-meeting-during-israel-speech Pi-Qui

Whitecollar crimes ISDS and the fossil fuel industry

Whitecollar crimes ISDS and the fossil fuel industry and corruption in courts worldwide. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/jun/06/investors-awarded-billions-of-dollars-for-losses-related-to-climate-laws-analysis-finds

Sickening, the stealing of public. money for the rich. Pi-Qui