
Beloved / Blog


Last night BELOVED was privileged to serve in an outreach in Payette. We had such a warm welcome, it was very humbling!

An inside look at BELOVED reveals a close-knit group of friends, using their God-given gift of music as an act of service to the community. Beyond the musicians, though, lie often overlooked band members...Jeff M. quietly (and I mean quietly) skillfully serving behind the sound board to give the best voice possible to the musicians. Jeff's wife, Diana, recruited to man the band table (and did a GREAT job!) Tyler providing muscle and sound skills of his own, is working on the video production. Not to mention Chris, Brandon & Seth, all hauling in sound equipment and doing their part....GOD is GOOD!

We would NEVER be able to pull of an even like last night without these people & we are SO GRATEFUL they are part of the band!

Rock & Worship Roadshow

This was the third year Jon, Krista, Jeff & I spent the entire day as runners for The Rock & Worship Roadshow. What an awesome time being with the bands, serving them as they ministered to the Treasure Valley.

Physically exhausted by the end of the night, but spiritually renewed, in awe of our God & the ministry of The Rock & Worship Roadshow! ~ diane

PS - TFK were the NICEST guys ever!!!


I just spent some time visiting with my friend Ryan Stevenson. We talked mainly about the things that God is doing in our lives. Seeing the path that we have each traveled and reflecting on the choices that maybe we would have made on our own versus allowing God's guidance to get us to where we are today - I realize how grateful I am that I am not in control. That we've got a Father in heaven who has a great plan for us and sees the 'whole' picture. God, may I be evermore dependant on you and less on myself. -Jon


In honor of Valentines Day (yes, gentlemen, its right around the corner . . .) I wanted to post the lyrics to our song 'Love'. Simple but powerful attributes of the kind of love our Father has for us! Happy Valentines Day, -Jon Love If I speak with tongues of men and of angels But don’t have love, it means nothing at all If I saw all of God’s secret plans But don’t have love, it means nothing at all Chorus: Love, is patient, Love is kind Love, it never, demands it’s own way Love, it always, rejoices in truth Love, is hopeful, it always endures If I had the faith to move any mountain But don’t have love, it means nothing at all If I gave all to the poor and the needy But don’t have love, it means nothing at all Childish things are now put away All knowledge today is so incomplete But one day, I will fully know As today I am fully known

Momentum - 2011

Boy, I'm really liking the direction this year is taking Beloved! We've been really enjoying practices, and our time in the studio towards the end of 2010 has really tightened our sound. Things to come? Well, we're in the process of coordinating new band pictures; we've been working on a new song, 'Fully Yours'; and we're working on several opportunities to expand our reach past the Boise Valley. God is good, and I am fortunate to be surrounding by his Children in this band! Beloved! -Jon