
True Soldier 4 God / Blog

Transforming your mind!

Transforming your mind!

Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. (Romans 12:2)

People often manufacture their own unhappiness by the negative manner in which they think about things.

Work with your mind, exercise disciplinary control, and re-slant your thoughts for happier living.

Drain the mind, by consciously conceiving of yourself as dropping out every destructive thought, every fear, every inferiority feeling.

Picture your mind as completely empty.

Then start filling it with thoughts of God, and of Christ, thoughts about every good and pleasant thing.

Practice this new habit regularly at least twice every day, morning and evening, to counteract the older and negative habit of allowing unhappy things to occupy your mind.

In due time, unhappy thoughts will not feel at home in your mind, and happy thoughts will transform you into the happy person that you seek and render you at peace.

"So your Looking for peace?"

God is the author of peace!

Jesus Christ is the Prince of peace!

Hint-Hint ;-)

The "KEYS" to "LIFE"

The "KEYS" to "LIFE"

Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him. (1 Corinthians 2:9)

Possibly life has become difficult -even dismal.

You may not be getting zest or thrills out of living.

The scripture for today will restore the old delight in life.

It tells you that you have never seen, nor heard, nor even imagined all the marvelous, amazingly fascinating things that God will do for those who love Him, trust Him, and put His principles into practice.



As you surrender your life to God, every experience of living will grow increasingly more wonderful day by day!

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and kill, and to destroy; I am come that they might have "LIFE", and that they might have it more abundantly! (John 10:10)

So now that you have the "KEYS" to a good "LIFE", will you use it?



1). To get power over the flesh.

2). To be able to minister to people boldly-(Eph.6:18-19).

3). To get the Will of God in the earth realm -(Rom.8:26-2)

4). To avoid satan's devices -(Dan.10:9-13).

5). To improve yourself.

6). To know things we dont know-(1John2:20).

7). To go thru impassable obstacles-(John14:26).

. To connect with God in the Spirit.

9). To increase accuracy of Spiritual ears -(1John2:27).

10). To ask God humbly for what we need.

11). To be lead continually by the Spirit.

12). To get whats inside of you out -(John7:37-39).

Here are some Scripture Ref. About the Holy Spirit & Tongues: 1Cor.14:1-2, & 5, &18. Mark16:15-18. Mark5:38-41. Mark1:35. Mark15:34.



"Make allowance for each others faults, and forgive anyone who offends you.

Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others." Col. 3:13

No one wants to be the first to say "I'm sorry."

No one jumps to take responsibility for a misspoken word, a hurtful act, a mismanaged situation.

But without someone possessing the humble courage to extend the hand of peace, no healing can ever take place.

Do your part by stepping forward, admitting your part, and asking forgiveness of anyone you may have offended.

Jesus forgave you first.

True heart healing begins with your willingness to be first in the same way.

Jesus loves you and so do I!

Running the race!

Running the race!

(Heb.12:1)-"Lay aside every weight & the sin which so easily ensnares us & run with endurance.

There's a lesson here.

We think what we're clinging to is important. If we didnt, letting go wouldnt be a struggle, but we'd simply set it down.

The Christian life is a race that starts the day you accept Christ & ends when you meet Him face-to-face.

In order to cross the finish line as a "WINNER" you must eliminate:

1) Anything that slows you down. In other words, anything that hinders your spiritual progress, when it stops you from living for God to the fullest.

2) Anything that causes you to stumble short of the finish line.

You must constantly monitor the level of your commitment to Christ, the growth of your faith, your home life,your relationships,your integrity,work ethics,thought life & your habits!

Make up your mind to stay focused on the prize:

You will receive the crown of glory that will never fade (1Pet.5:4).

Now isnt that worth running the race for?




JOHN 3:16 - "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who BELIEVES in Him may not die but have eternal life." God loves you & wants you to experience His peace & life!


ROMANS.3:23-"Everyone has sinned & is far away from God's presence." People choose to disobey God & go their own way. This results in separation from God.


ROMANS.5:8-..."But God has shown us how much He loves us-it was while we were still sinners that Christ died for us!" God sent His Son to pay the penalty of our sins when Christ died on the cross & rose from the grave.


JOHN1:12-"Some, however,did receive Him & believed in Him;so He gave them the right to become God's children." You cross the bridge into God's family when you ask Christ to come into your life! SO REPENT(TURN AWAY FROM YOUR SINS) & BY FAITH RECEIVE JESUS INTO YOUR HEART & LIFE!

U say U love the truth,really?

U say U love the truth,really?

So u say u keeps it 100?

So u say u love the truth?

Then why is it that when the truth about U hit the surface,then u become angry and bitter?

Why turn on the person that's keeping it real with u?

Why treat them like the enemy, when actually their being a FRIEND BY TELLING U THE TRUTH? U see a friend will tell u the truth to keep u from HELL,but those that say nothing can care less if u go!

As children of God we should subject ourselves to hearing the TRUTH whether it hurts or not. Because i rather be a little hurt now then forever burning in hell's fire forever.

Even tho we serve a loving and forgiving God, we also serve a vengeful God who's wrath is against the "children of disobedience"(Eph.5:6).

Jesus Christ told the truth even tho the people grew offended(John 8:34-47).

So learn how to take rebuke and grow in spiritual maturity from it, instead of growing angry and bitter(Pro.27:5-6).

A real friend will help till it hurts, but the hurt will dissolve when u see your really being helped.

U say U love the truth,really?

U say U love the truth,really?

So u say u keeps it 100?

So u say u love the truth?

Then why is it that when the truth about U hit the surface,then u become angry and bitter?

Why turn on the person that's keeping it real with u?

Why treat them like the enemy, when actually their being a FRIEND BY TELLING U THE TRUTH? U see a friend will tell u the truth to keep u from HELL,but those that say nothing can care less if u go!

As children of God we should subject ourselves to hearing the TRUTH whether it hurts or not. Because i rather be a little hurt now then forever burning in hell's fire forever.

Even tho we serve a loving and forgiving God, we also serve a vengeful God who's wrath is against the "children of disobedience"(Eph.5:6).

Jesus Christ told the truth even tho the people grew offended(John 8:34-47).

So learn how to take rebuke and grow in spiritual maturity from it, instead of growing angry and bitter(Pro.27:5-6).

A real friend will help till it hurts, but the hurt will dissolve when u see your really being helped.

Working on temperance

Working on temperance

(Temperance) Self-restraint

{Please read-Eph.4:26-32}

God never told us, not to be angry because God & Jesus Christ has been or gotten angry before, but what He tells us is not to stay angry and allow it to make us sin. You have to (release) because bottled up angry emotions only builds up in your spirit and spreads like cancer, and that's not a good thing. Anger is not the sin itself,but most actions stemming from the anger is sinful.

Look, its ok to get angry,we all do it because its part of human emotions.

I hear this all the time, people saying "I can't help how I feel" which is true in most incidents, "but you can help how you act or react" by thinking before you act or react!

If you control your actions then your feelings will eventually catch up with your actions (coming under control).. So the "KEY" here is to learn how to think before you act or react.

So get your head (mind ) out of those reality/drama shows and get it into the Word of God to learn "Temperance".

Now Smile & be happy :-)

Rebuke negativity!

Rebuke negativity!

Hello Saints; Today is a another day, so lets shout and praise the Lord for it!

Today i want you to think about where you are now, and then look back at where God has brought you from.

Today you are better person because of what He has brought you through. I know you are.

On this journey there are people that will try to shake you or break you, and tell you that you cant do this or that you'll never be nothing, or that you cant make it and etc....

If you are surrounded by these type of people then i suggest that you get away from these negative and miserable type people and surround yourself with positive and loving people who love the Lord.

God is not a spirit of darkness, He is a spirit of light!

Today if you feel like you just cant make it, or if someone told you that you cant make it. You tell the enemy that he is a liar and that he is a defeated foe.

Let your light shine through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Be Blessed!