
Qdot Alagbe / About This Artist

Artist Details and Stats:

Hometown: Lagos Nigeria, NG

Website: www.new.facebook.com

Genre: Singer Songwriter

Singer Songwriter charts for Lagos Nigeria, NG
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QDOT..•lyricist/vocalist • Performer •song writer• Afro-centric musician@q_qdot

Qudus oluwadamilare fakoya or Qdot (alagbe) as he's fondly called is an afro-centric artist that has created a style for himself.. Born April 30th in lagos ,Qdot has been doing music since his elementary school days and has won a lot of talent hunts, but decided to take it up professionally after he graduated from the school of arts,yaba college of technology .His style can be traced to haruna ishola,ayinde barrister,beautiful nubia,tuface e.t.c But the atheistic man is really inspired by Asa.