
Shut Up Productions - HD video production / About This Artist

Artist Details and Stats:

Hometown: Clearwater, FL

Label: Palisade Records, Palisade Records

Website: www.shutupproductions.com

Sounds Like: GARY SCHUTT MUSIC, Jeff Scott Soto Official, Circle II Circle, War of Thrones, Talisman Official

Genre: Rock

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Almost everybody these days has a camcoder and iMovie. But the results are more than often "home movie"-ish, cheezy, or amature looking. If you are serious about your band, call a professional to have you LOOK like the professional you ARE! Don't settle for any video just to have one, be prepared! Have a pro quality video!


Shut Up Productions was founded by musician Gary Schutt around 1990 when he sold his self-produced original music tapes around the Boston area. The company name was a way for people to pronounce his last name correctly, as sometimes people would say ‘shoot’ instead of ‘shut’.

Gary graduated from Berklee College of Music with a Bachelor of Music degree in Songwriting. Being a musician his whole life, Gary always wanted to experiment in video, but it had always been too expensive. In the past he edited video with a camcorder and 2 VCRs. The process was very tedious and the results were poor.

While attending Berklee, Gary would hire himself out and video student concerts with his low quality JVC VHS-C camcorder. Thus started his experience as a "live" shooter, without a tri-pod!?

About 1999, Gary learned about Apple Computers and a brand new digital video editing program they had called “Final Cut Pro”. For a small investment of a few thousand dollars, Gary was on his way to being self-taught in the intensive world of digital video.

Gary’s digital video adventure started when he would video himself as individual band members playing his original music. Over the years Gary has gained numerous clients for music videos, including current Journey singer Jeff Scott Soto. Gary has been Jeff’s #1 video guy doing all his music videos and his two concert DVD’s.

What are the advantages of using Shut Up Productions? Your music video or concert will be edited by a professional musician! All the snare hits will be on the beat and the guitar solos will get their fair share of screen time. We can even re-sync out of sync video!

In 1994 Shut Up Productions spawned into Shut Up Music (BMI) when Gary got his first record deal on a small Japanese metal label. In 2006 it spawned another company, Palisade Records, named after Gary’s band while attending Berklee College of Music.

You will NOT find a video production company that does our quality of work for our prices!!


“You're incredibly professional and I'll gladly keep paying you to do more vids for us!”
Shaun Hopper

“Very Special Thank you to Gary Schutt for shoot our Live DVD and doing an AMAZING Job!!! Complete PRO!! Bands Hire him!!”
Eddie - JetCity Queensryche tribute band

“Damn! You made us look really GOOD!”
Dawn Lawrence-vocalist

“Awesome videos dude!”
Addie Torrano

“I wanted to share with you our continued satisfaction with both of our videos. ...just wanted to thank you again for the good work you did for us, and send our continued appreciation.”
Cindy - The Time Of Our Lives Band