
Miel Noir / Press

“8/10 It’s a veritable multi-ring circus which shows Miel Noir in all its finery. Definitely recommend but don’t expect an easy ride when you do listen.”

“Put together with a precision of a beehive, while preserving the sparks from the strongest moments of their discography, Miel Noir’s latest opus is another fruit of collective labour and love that is still able to tingle the senses in anticipation of what comes next.”

“10 out of 10.”

“Miel Noir est en somme inqualifiable et excellent. Ces artistes indépendants et créatifs se font rares et n’ont rien à envier aux plus grands noms, ni rien à prouver.”

““From The Ashes”, exquisita delicatessen musical atesorada en un álbum de culto. ¡¡¡Disfrútenlo!!!”

“Any of these songs has a good idea behind it, or something that distinguishes it from the others, may it be the dialectic formula of the vocals in “Follow the Waves”, the anthemic chorus of “See You on the Other Side”, the overwhelming bass synth of “The Scars to Prove It” or the drum’n’bass speed of “Crack the Whip”. Some of these tunes will soon stick into your mind, and one of the causes is the talent for slogans that Miel Noir have: just listen to the title track to understand the communicative power of that chorus that goes “Rebirth! Renewal! Resurrection!”; but there are a lot more examples all throughout the album.”

“Na “Honey & Ash” uit 2011 maakten Miel Noir met “From The Ashes” voor de tweede keer een fenomenaal album dat mijn maximumscore wegkaapt en dat weer heel hoog in mijn jaarlijstje zal eindigen. “From The Ashes” is een van de beste gothic/dark wave albums dat ik in tijden heb gehoord en waarin alles quasi perfect zit, van de geluidsmix en het prachtige artwork over de intelligente poëtische lyrics die zowel de bioloog-ecologist als de zwartgallig melancholische new waver in mij aanspreken, tot uiteraard de muziek zelf. Door zijn muzikale veelzijdigheid en supersterke composities zal “From The Ashes” een breed publiek in de zwarte scene kunnen aanspreken. 10/10”

“From the Ashes is an amazing album, but listeners will need to work to get that out of it. The release definitely has a substantial quantity of tracks and there is no shortage of memorable and standout songs. However, the album is in need of rearrangement to balance the listening experience. The limited edition of the album is packaged wonderfully and the five bonus tracks add some additional flavors to the album. The standard release version of the album is gold; gold like honey that needs a little bit of stirring. 8.25/10”

“In my opinion this is another great sounding recording from Miel Noir and if you are a fan of gothic rock, apocalyptic wave, dark ambient, neo-classical and industrial, you should check out this album. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Follow The Waves" "Floodgates" "Heimkehr" and "The Burning Season". 8 out of 10.”

“Only three tracks (“Honigglut”, "Unspoken Words", and “Eherne Ulmen” … and maybe “It’s Me”) strike out on this 16 track album, giving it a good ratio of good or excellent tracks to misses. The music carries pretty canonically from track to track, combined with the artwork gives it a nice uniform experience. The production value on each track is superb, which is good in a sea of other neofolk and military pop bands that are more akin to bedroom musicians.”

“2nd place in the top ten albums of 2012: HONEY & ASH”

“Elk der 16 songs werd in het cd boekje door de tekenares Claudia Summerer geïllustreerd met prachtige pentekeningen die het onderwerp van de song visualiseren. Het eerste album van Miel Noir werd aldus een prachtige release die smaak doet krijgen naar nog meer zoetigheid! Voor de eerste keer dit jaar geef ik een welverdiende 10! ”

“Für Freunde von ALLERSEELEN und Honigliebhaber ein Muss. Und auch Avantgardisten werden hier ein wahres Hörerlebnis haben.”

“Una dose non eccessiva di orecchiabilità e un'apertura a generi diversi è la ricetta giusta per allargare gli orizzonti, senza dimenticare le radici. Disponibile sia in CD digipak che in un box di legno con miniCD aggiuntivo e alcuni curiosi gadget tutti da scoprire. Rating : 6.5”

“Wer mal wieder Lust auf ein anregendes und intellektuell aus der Masse herausragendes Musikerlebnis hat wird mit MIEL NOIR nicht falsch liegen.”

““Honey & Ash”, cuando una edición discográfica ve elevado su valor artístico a través del culto a la creación musical inspirada en las históricas raíces conceptuales y existenciales europeas. ¡¡¡Disfrútenlo!!!”

“In my opinion Miel Noir are a very great sounding industrial/goth/dark ambient pop hybrid and if you are a fan of this style, you should check out this album. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Das Honig Opfer" "In Empty Coldness" "Der Fiend" and "Eherne Ulmen". RECOMMENDED BUY.”

“Wer mal wieder Lust auf ein anregendes und intellektuell aus der Masse herausragendes Musikerlebnis hat wird mit MIEL NOIR nicht falsch liegen.”

“Ora avete ascoltato il dischetto, guardato il booklet, forse meditato sulle simbologie contenuto, talmente fini che pochi riferimenti concreti sono tangibili, meglio abbandonarsi alle percezioni, viscose come il miele che cola, dolci come il miele, a tratti dolorosi come le punture dell’ape, simbolo di una Dea che può essere grande amore e grande dolore.”

“My vote is that you, the reader, you check out this material, especially if you are into acts like ORE, Death In June in the early days (“NADA!”) or Kirlian Camera. And I’m writing this after humming and whistling Miel Noir’s “Sonnenmann” for 3 days straight. Enjoy!”

“Ein aufregendes, stellenweise sperriges, aber immer höchst schlüssiges und dementsprechend sehr gutes Werk, das eindeutig eine Bereicherung des Genres darstellt.”

“[...] „Honey & Ash“ [ist] ein sehr abwechslungsreiches und in sich sehr stimmiges Album, das durch die Gastmusiker Gerhard Halstatt und Fräulein König stilistisch weitere Öffnungen erfährt. Bewertung: 8/10”

“Genre parameters be damned, this is beautifully raw, organic and sometimes abrasive music from a duo of free thinkers. Beautifully dark, but not over-polished. Rating: 5/5”

“So werde ich mir den Namen Miel Noir für die Zukunft merken, denn das, was hier geboten wird, hat fraglos eine Menge Klasse! Anderseits sollte dies nicht verwundern, ist doch eine Musikerverwandtschaft zu Allerseelen oder Sturmpercht gegeben. Bewertung : 9 von 10 Punkte”