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From festivals and labels to playlist editors and passionate fans, the industry needs emerging artists. Thanks to our curation abilities, you now have access to career-changing opportunities just by having your music on ReverbNation.
Bad Pop

The whole experience goes to show just how robust ReverbNation is at supporting independent artists and connecting them with the best record labels.

Bad Pop, signed with Killing Moon Records

The Best of Both Worlds

Thousands of songs on ReverbNation are sifted through every week by our data-crunching technology and expert-ear curators in search of promising artists ready for the next stage of their careers. What are we looking for? Great music of course. But that's not all. The Curation Team learns the story around your music; the pictures, the live shows, the fan interactions. The best music is about more than just numbers.


The kind of global reach we could achieve by teaming up with ReverbNation for this search would've been virtually impossible for us or any other indie label our size to conduct on our own.

Old Flame Records' Founder and Owner Rob Mason

Making the Right Connections

Wide-reaching curation allows us to offer the best-fit opportunties to emerging artists. Since 2014, ReverbNation's Curation Team has hooked up talented musicians with exclusive label deals, festival slots, sync programs, and brand partnerships. Want more exposure for your songs? We regularly promote curated artists to millions of fans, including on our Discover app.

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How to


The more you tell us about yourself and your music, the easier it is for our Curation Team to find you. By keeping your ReverbNation profile current and complete, you're helping us get the full picture of you as an artist. Bottom line: As long as you keep creating, we'll keep listening.

Update your fan stats

Showcase your fan demographics by synching your social networks.

Sync now

Lead with your best song

Make it easy for curators to find your top track by putting it at the top of your list.

Edit songs

Image means everything

Make sure your photos are as recent and high quality as possible.

Upload photos

Include live video performance

Live video is one of the most engaging ways to present your music.

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