
Nicole Slade / Press

"Kenya, are you ready for this talented miss thang?? Check her out NOW! Really GOOD music!!"

".....nyce work.... keep it up!!"

"Yo twam make sure you check out @NicoleSlade producer and singer extraordinary #realtalent and #OrigarmiBoy family!"

"wow wow...Nicole...YOU KILLED IT!! "For The Love Of Music" is my fav!!"

"OH GOD!!!!! OH GOD!!!!! OH MY FRIGGING GOD!!!!!!!!OH BLOODY HELL... BRILLIANTLY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AM DEAD IN LOVE WITH THAT SOUND... HELL YEAH!!! CLEARLY YOU WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN...... INSANITY THE END!!!!!!!!"

"Nicole ... this is very good .... keep it up!!"

".....everything is just so good. Damn girl, im soo proud of you repping the lakeside like that. Work it baby....work it. The world is yours, GO GET EM!!!"


"Am hapy 4 u thts lvly.keep it up gal... Remeber we hv a tune thts gona take us to 1st spot world wide...."


Eboni Q - Singer/Songwriter

"This is reaally good stuff...I can see a star rising!"

Dickson Jawichre - Fan


Melani Ellen - Fan

"oh my days......i just been listening to your tracks on reverb i swear i cant stop moving whens the next one gonna be uploaded?"

Ania Molinengo - Fan

"Wtf?...U Are Gona Get Ther...I Believe U Can...Trust Me n Mark My Wordz U Will 1day Coz Of Ur Exceptional Talent...Million $ Voice Man."

".....well done Nicole.. nice music:))"

Mamun Rahman - Fan

"Congratulations dear. You can do it all just have beleive n faith in the Lord. Never give up. Keep pressing on!!!"

Rose Angira - Fan

"I am glad you finally made your dream come true! Songs sound great!!"

Ieva Kantminaite - Fan

"niiiiiiiice tunes my dear."

Eddu Ndulla - Fan