
Zz Wave / Press

“Twisted Images, I didn't know quite what to expect from the first few seconds of Twisted Images, but with music like this i've learnt not to expect anything as the artist always finds a way to surprise you - and it held true in this case as well. Felt very dark in some places, seemed very much like a decent intro track to me”

A.S.K (Artist Support Krew)

“Radius, with a seriously dissonant opening and a solid beat kicking in, i felt as if i was listening to the first 2 tracks from a finished CD; Very different, i haven't heard anything quite like this before and it's new in all the right ways. Some parts left me reminiscing of the 90's dance music i grew up with, other parts left me completely confused as to how i'd got there, but all the time enjoying the daring transitions. More of this!”

A.S.K (Artist Support Krew)

“Great job on this track. Georgio Avanti”

Georgio Avanti