
Durham Ukulele Orchestra / Press

“Could the Durham Ukulele Orchestra be more talented? Not only do they play more than a dozen different instruments, but they all sing too!”

“The orchestra’s members have been quick to add instruments to fill out their sound, including melodica, accordion, trumpet, mandolin and three kinds of basses – an electric, upright and a bass ukulele. People are surprised when the orchestra shows up to play with all these instruments and its own audio system.The different sizes of ukuleles the group uses and the manner they play the instruments – some strummed and some plucked – creates a richness of sound that belies the tiny instrument’s humble reputation. http://www.thedurhamnews.com/2013/08/06/3084321/ukulele-orchestra-creates-big.html”

“What began as jam sessions at High Strung Violins and Guitars in 2007 transformed into the Durham Ukulele Orchestra (DUO), a quartet that plays more than a dozen different instruments. And they all sing too! http://issuu.com/shannonmedia/docs/dm_aug_issuu/31?e=0/14562711”