
Aaron Lee Marshall / Press

““Iraq War Song,” the first single off of songwriter Aaron Lee Marshall’s upcoming sophomore release showcases gleaming evidence that Marshall has grown infinitely as a wordsmith and as a composer. The grim subject matter found within the tune is not for the faint-of-heart, but the music that drives the piece is absolutely stunning – further accenting the lyrics, and molding the entirety of the piece into a sublime portrait of tough times steeped in the depths of hope. Not an easy task to pull off; let alone succeed at… It’s easy to be pissed off and rant away about a bitter subject. It’s another thing entirely to take that ill-fated imagery and spin it in a way that is poignant, aesthetically pleasing, and true. “Iraq War Song” is all those things. It’s just plain good. ”

“Aaron Lee Marshall often mourns privately when he hears of the suicide of a brother-in-arms. They paid the ultimate price for the country, but died here at home, because of injuries sustained in battle, he said. Like Marshall and so many returning veterans, they had post-traumatic stress disorder. Too often, there's little understanding and a lack of sympathy for these deaths. ”

“Aaron Marshall has some major news regarding "Stay the Child," his sophomore CD (working title). "Big news," he says. "We have Dave Gutter from the Rustic Overtones and Paranoid Social Club!" Gutter, a renowned singer/ songwriter has collaborated, written, and performed with David Bowie, Carlos Santana and others. His work is featured in numerous films. "He's as big a star as Maine has in music. ...; Very exciting," says Marshall. Marshall, who made news for "finding his way back" from Iraq through music, simply wrote Gutter a message. "I said I have a particular song ...; that's perfect for your vocals. I sent him the song, he said he'd be coming in and he finally gave me the OK to tell people." Bottom line: "I was just blown away ...; and he's as nice as he can be." "Stay the Child" hits this fall. Meanwhile, Marshall and his Aaron Lee Marshall Band continue performing benefit concerts throughout the Northeast, dates set for New York City, Connecticut and Maine. ”

“A CD is born Aaron Lee Marshall is "hammering away" at the studio on his next CD. "It will have surprise celebrity guests on it," he says in a recent phone call. At the call's beginning it was nameless, by its end the title was born. "'Stay the Child,'" he says, definitively. "Yup, I decided just now. I'm sort of impulsive, so that's that. I like it." The CD should drop by fall. ”

“FROM MUSIC TO FILM? Aaron Lee Marshall has made a big splash with his solo and self-titled band's live CD. But few know the former decorated military police officer (Purple Heart and ARCOM with Valor), is a "dirty cop." Truth. You can see it all in his friend H.A.K.'s new music video "The Mission." "Yup. I did some acting in a hip-hop video. It was a great time," he says. "I'm a Humphrey Bogart fan, love art, love music, love acting. ...; I nailed it. It was a lot of fun." And there's likely more acting in the future. "It's such an escape from thinking about other things, it's a relief." For now he's only looking at film and music videos. Theater is too long a commitment, he says. "But if there was an offer I'd probably consider it though." See "The Mission" at Husainmusic.com. ”

“Marshall never headed to the studio with a plan and a play list, he says. He had 50 to 60 original tunes to draw from. Each session's recording was based on his ability to deal with the material that day. The lyrics are of the most personal nature, songs of his divorce, one to Gracie, his 5-year-old daughter and the love of his life, and the rest about his time in Iraq. "It was 'what could I play today?' or 'what do I want to or can I handle emotionally today without screwing it up?'" Many of the earlier recordings were of his earliest work, things he'd sung long enough he felt he'd get through them, he adds. "Now Maybe" wasn't recorded for commercial reasons. It was for him, his mom, Gracie, and those he chose to share with. "It was personal poetry, something you would write in a journal," he explains. He's happy with recording, and the occasional gig, most often benefit concerts, and simply playing for pleasure, "Music brings me happiness, man, happiness," he says.”

“Barrington resident Aaron Lee Marshall left college after 9/11 to serve his country. After he was wounded in Iraq he turned to music to help him heal. Tonight we meet the Iraqi war veteran who's become a serviceman of song.”

“Aaron Lee Marshall's CD, NOW MAYBE, is available online and at Bull Moose stores. Video of Aaron Lee Marshall on vocals/guitar, Alex Mills on Drums and Scott Fleming on Lead Guitar playing "Now Maybe" and "From This Green Tree" LIVE”

“War hero Aaron Lee Marshall returned from Iraq with a Purple Heart ...; and a hurting heart. Music became his therapy. Marshall began calming his emotional demons with singing and playing his acoustic guitar. The musical balm led the singer/songwriter with a voice like Dave Matthews to record "Now Maybe" a collection of original, emotionally charged pop rock songs with an '80s influence. "His songwriting is impressive and I was pretty much blown away," says album producer Francisco Santos Jr. of Superior Sound Studio in Somersworth. Released in December, the album is taking off and flying off the shelves at Bull Moose Records. N.H. Chronicle and NECN recently televised Marshall's touching story and music. Program links are available on the ROH Web site www.rochesteroperahouse.com.”

“Aaron Lee Marshall will be performing at a benefit concert for 8 year old Isaac Tucker at the Biddeford Ice Arena on Saturday August 7th from 9 AM til Midnight.”

"Best Selling Maine Musicians for 2010" Aaron Lee Marshall is a decorated vet who started recording music to heal from his experiences in Iraq. Imagine Dave Matthews with a raspier voice and a touch of electronics.

“Barrington-based singer-songwriter Aaron Lee Marshall has a voice like Dave Matthews and a spirited acoustic guitar-driven sound that equates to an impressive debut disc—and a big turnaround for this aspiring musician. The music takes on an almost psychedelic tone with a twist of ’80s alt-pop on “Heaven Come Down,” which ends with sinister laughter. Skipping ahead a decade, “Walk in the Mud” sounds like a slower Pearl Jam number.”

“For a deconstructionist, the new album from Aaron Lee Marshall presents any number of philosophical difficulties. Trained to consider a piece of art solely for its own sake, and to ignore the maker of the art, how do I listen to a man's music and not take into consideration the fact that he's an Iraq veteran who was awarded a Purple Heart for "Exceptionally Meritorious Achievement during ground combat operations in Ba'qubah, Iraq on 9 April 2004?" Apparently, "PFC Marshall's intrepid actions while under heavy RPG and small arms fire were remarkable. Returning to his fighting position three times after having been thrown clear by the concussion of near direct RPG hits and eliminating the enemy insurgents with his M249 SAW and AT4 were truly courageous acts that reflect his warrior ethos."”

“Barrington's Aaron Lee Marshall is a "soldier turned songwriter," whose debut disc "Now Maybe" is an interesting collection of tunes, dipping and doodling through varying genres including rock, folk, and hip-hop — wrapping them all in a package containing hints of '80s synthesized lore and '70s swirling psychedelia.”