
Duke Charelle and the Half Sistas / Press

“Introducing: Deondre Charelle Richmond While still a relative newcomer, this young talented guitarist is making a cool splash both locally & internationally. While we await the release of his new recordings, we have these shows, to look forward to. As well, there are plenty more on the way.... The following shows have some great ass talent aside from Deondre, so it is guaranteed that you will get a true, real dose of talent at these shows. All of these artists are awesome!!!!!! stay tuned....”

“Secret Lover.mov NME Award nominated Guitarist Deondre Charelle Richmond plays original song Secret Lover at Crossroads Bar and Grille in Ypsilanti,MI. For more Deondre Charelle Richmond, visit him Facebook.com/dcharellerichmond and for booking email dchar1986rock@gmail.com”

“Deondre Richmond, of Ypsilanti, performs solo during the weekly 'Acoustic Open Mic' night at Woodruffs in Ypsilanti on Tuesday, Feb. 14. Chris Asadian | AnnArbor.com”

“Deondre Charelle Richmond is electrifying and intense, with soulful melody and reckless abandon while playing his focal instrument, the guitar.”