Sylke AFRICA BAY BEH!!! Hi my name is Sylke, a versatile rapper of Zimbabwean origin tryna make waves ryt nw... if you'd be so bold as to give me a lil listen, i'd thoroughly ...
Please come and check out my MUSIC!! Much appreciated and blessings to you!!
That"s All
Hi! We are new indie/brit-pop band from Ukraine! Check us out at
Hey guys. Please do check our stuffs when you got the time. Would love to be on your roster :D Cheers from Indonesia ! LunariaN
Thanks for the ADD!!!! We are "Exfixia". Female fronted Rock Band. Take a listen and God Bless!
Hello.... we just love the music! Cheers John - BlackDogHat
AFRICA BAY BEH!!! Hi my name is Sylke, a versatile rapper of Zimbabwean origin tryna make waves ryt nw... if you'd be so bold as to give me a lil listen, i'd thoroughly ...
Please come and check out my MUSIC!! Much appreciated and blessings to you!!
Hi! We are new indie/brit-pop band from Ukraine! Check us out at
Hey guys. Please do check our stuffs when you got the time. Would love to be on your roster :D Cheers from Indonesia ! LunariaN
Thanks for the ADD!!!! We are "Exfixia". Female fronted Rock Band. Take a listen and God Bless!
Hello.... we just love the music! Cheers John - BlackDogHat