
JUSH / Comments

Miss eba
Miss eba  (almost 13 years ago)
bien ce que tu fais. visite ma page.... :-)
JUSH  (almost 13 years ago)
jaime bokou love of rythmmmm!!!xxx
Anya Simpson
Anya Simpson  (almost 13 years ago)
Your quite good but not as good as me lol ANNIE APPLE XX
JUSH  (almost 13 years ago)
LOL ur too funny,,u are very talended dear Anya ,,iam happy to read ur comment, very happy xoxox! have u a facebook account?? if ,, add me (junior kassi) iam waitin !!
JANIEL  (about 13 years ago)
you ar gréat man !!! my pop makér!!!
JUSH  (about 13 years ago)
thx rebecca,,good to hear that ,, we can be friends on facebook, "jush kgs"
JUSH  (about 13 years ago)
thanks alex,, i love sweet home city light!!! we need to collaborate!!