
Schwarzenator / Blog

Your Support has made us #32

Thanks All! We are currently #32 in the Los Angeles charts for squirrel raping. Thanks for all your support in helping us achieve this.

Also our amazing programmers at schwarzenator.com have finally figured out what every 3 year-old knows, how to link download sites, (all those little guys at the bottom right of the screen.) You are now only a click away from being able to regret buying our cd!


Schwarzenator Lyrics...and we're still on ITUNES!

We've posted all the deliciously fag-y lyrics on reverbnation. So you can go ahead and copy them down for your book report on how your duck-billed Aachenosaurus actually turned out to be a piece of petrified wood....ummhmm

buy a song or entire on iTunes now!

SchwarZenatoR is finally on iTunes so Stop Whining!


big kiss, Schwarzenator