
S.Casoose / Blog

Its All New

Experiencing the true power of music, its more than I thought. I always wrote cause it felt good to talk when I wasn't talking to a person. I found myself talking with a pencil and notebook. Never knew how to write to an instrumental. Then I finally I got a shot to record with someone. I never knew the guy that much, only cause I just met him and my cousin was dating him. He gave me a chance and I just fucked it up. Since then, I've been listening to instrumentals like crazy. Once I became on tempo and started getting the feel of it, I wrote with instrumentals. I never recorded before. I always wanted to record but in the mean time, I would just do a lot of freestyles. I would do freestyles with my cousins or with friends at parties, or freestyle when I was all drunk as fuck. I bought Pro Tools SE, it was only a sample of the Pro Tools software, only had the basics. My cousin figured out how to work it and since then, we started recording. we wrote and wrote and wrote and recorded. The vocals came out all poor and we didn't know shit about how to mix down. Back to square one again, I went back to writing and freestyling. Now, our cousin knows how to make our vocals sound clearer. and the sound is coming out great.! Making new songs with a different massage. Its all new to me.! Its amazing to see the true power of music and lyrics. I'm blessed to know that my whole Family and God has been giving me inspiration with who I meet and the mistakes I take.