
Bishop Chase / Blog

1 and Done

How amazing is it! When you mess up, and do stupid stuff, but ask for forgiveness, God immediately forgets your sin! This is the God I serve! A loving God, full of grace and mercy. So many people are so hard on themselves, they don't feel worthy of God. He knew you were going to mess up, thats why he sent Jesus! He knows we won't be perfect, but he wants us to strive for holiness, righteousness, purity, and the love of Christ. When we strive to be like Christ, our life will reflect and display that. Yes you will mess up! But just know, God will never turn his back on you, he will only reach out to pull you closer. GOD LOVES EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU! If you have never given your life Christ, stop waiting and JOIN THE FAMILY!!! No sin is to great for the love of God! Why waste your life when this life is temporary, but when you die it is eternal. This is reality, THERE IS A HEAVEN AND HELL! YOU WILL EITHER GO TO ONE! Please understand, everyone has a chance to go to heaven and have eternal life. God sacrificed everything for us by sending his son Jesus to die for us! Can we not sacrifice our flesh to live a life pleasing unto God? There is no other God! Let me tell you there is no GREATER love! This life is so short, please don't wait till its to late! Seriously, I love everyone and want you to experience the love of the Father! If you have any questions, or want any prayer for you life, please contact me! God loves you!