
Lonny Terkay Band / Blog

new CD release

I would really love to get several CD releases out to the world, but this day the way napster and the other enities in relation make it a luxary to release CDs because of all the pirating stolen music from many sites, this has effected the consumer as well, have you gone to a concert lately, it you still havnt gotten me, 160 or more per ticket and a lot of the bands are faking it with backing tracks and even additional musicians behind the curtains, as an independent artist its a strangle hold on me as well as many other musicians to simply let you all enjoy some peace in your life, I will keep trying but anymore im a wounded about to die artist, by the way I have about 6 more CDs worth of music at the moment I feel would be great releases

new songs live and original music

I'm going to get to recording a lot of songs and get my 2nd cd release out there, this should be special because ive tested the newer ones at various gigs and appearances to make sure even a acoustic version goes over well

see me live this thurs

at keel&curley in plant city 6-9p free admission

brand new used car cd avail thru iheart radio

yes my cd is now available thru iheart radio...way-cool, I'm still getting the right pieces in the every changing place of members for my touring and gig band, right now I have a few people in mind for the long haul I would like to have the others either step up or move out of the way

9 Heads of Stone @#50 Lonny Terkay Band @#2

thank you for the likes as always enjoy the music ...I have an adventure planned im checking other areas of the USA so im not gonna be around my local area as much I was before fire must travel

songs songs

always learning new covers 4 new beatles, breaking benjamin etc etc and as always my originals are always simmering in the fore front of what im really about

new PA set up in the works

cant wait to get this new version of the pa ready and up and running

the cd is here!!!!!!!

Lonny Terkay Band...Brand New Used Car

cdbaby.com $6.99 downloads

live playing

Last Wed at O`Briens Irish Pub the Lonny Terkay and rocked out to a great crowd, we even brought out the kitchen sink, no really gotta se us live

""In Rising Smoke''-Lonny Terkay

did a quick record of this my 1st attempt on drums I played all the instruments no effects on my guitar other than reverb did not use a mic just my porta studios on board mic no pre amps on anything