
Wayne Reynolds / Blog

No music??

Temporary music blackout while I decide on the material to be recorded on my new CD, which will feature Keith Carlock, Oz Noy, and Sam Reid, coming this fall. New music coming soon!

Thanks for your support!!

Thanks to everyone for supporting us in our artistic adventures. Help us grow here on RN by telling a friend, and turning them on to one of our tunes! Check back for info about the upcoming CD, the newest music and more!!

Reverb Nation fan drive!

We're starting a new fan drive on Reverb Nation, and we need your help. Click to become a fan, or if you already have, turn on your friends to the reverb nation page! We're trying to get 100 new fans by FEB 28th,


Visit Waynereynoldsmusic.com for more music, bio's, show dates, pics, video links and more!!