
Pat Holmberg / Blog

Interesting quote

I like this one: "Music is the only language in which you cannot say a mean or sarcastic thing." John Erskine

New Woodwind Trio Arrangements

If there are any woodwind trios out there who are interested, I wrote a group of 14 ragtime piano pieces about 30 years ago entitled "Boulder Rags", and have recently arranged all of them for flute, clarinet and bassoon. If interested, you can check them out at: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_0_12?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=patricia%20holmberg&sprefix=patricia+hol%2Caps%2C178

Three Pieces for Five Pianos

Five-piano ensembles are a fairly new trend, and here are three new pieces for that configuration. Two - including a ragtime piece - are pieces that I have written, and the third is a medley that I have arranged using three well-known gospel tunes. This is available at: https://www.createspace.com/4459543

Five Piano concert coming up

I've recently finished arranging the Widor Organ Symphony No. 6 Finale movement for five pianos and organ for the Pianos and Pipes Alive! concert at First Presbyterian Church in Boulder on Feb. 7 at 7 p.m. I think it's going to be a great program and if you're in the area, I think you'll be glad you were there to see and hear, if you should decide to do that!

Songs for Seniors

I just got out and dusted off and put up on Reverbnation some songs that a friend and I wrote about 24 years ago. They're doing no good just sitting in a remote file on my computer. Sixteen of them, and they speak to ACTIVE seniors - there's one about driving in your RV home, going on a cruise, etc. etc. Have a listen at http://www.reverbnation.com/control_room/artist/247483/songs

New Woodwind Trios

I don't know that anybody ever reads this blog, BUT I'll go ahead and mention that I just finished arranging Boulder Rags for woodwind trio - flute, clarinet and bassoon. I'll soon put up the link, in case there are any players of those instruments out there who would like to try something new and fun.

Green Mountain Blue

That's the name of the new flute choir piece I have written for an early instrument group in Seattle. There are two versions of it - one for that early music group (in addition to the flutes, it has a part for viola da gamba) and then other for a standard flute choir plus 'cello. Check: www.fluteensemblemusic.info for more information and to order if you want to.

New Book

I have just finished a book entitled "How to Practice the Piano" https://www.createspace.com/3913970 It has been fun to write and the ideas are derived from all the many years I have been a piano teacher.

Working on new flute choir blues piece

I have a friend who plays with a flute choir in Seattle, and I am working on a piece for them to play in an April concert. I will have it finished and ready to send to them in another week or so. I love the sound of flute choirs!