
Jess Right / Blog

Loud do open the closed doors

I would like to enter the door through Jesus and say in the Lord with the loud I see grace. No judging, no condemnation, No hate, no bullying creative paths to go from revelation to revelation and from glory to glory. Succeeding in the endeavors we pursue, Assignment minded!


If u could live life with out having to worry about yo enemies, would you choose that choice? Knowing their going to try, but they can't get close to you. And then they would become your foot stool would you choose that choice?


You have to be seen by the people to let the world know you have something good! Redeye Thugneck~

If, if was a fifth

If I had some type of technical guy here helping me. A manager an agent we could get this stuff moving faster. I'm sitting on gold I believe.


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Right Believing equals 2 Right Living!

Who determines your right, is it the doctrine that you were raised listening too? Is it some slick intellectual person that has your interest for a season of your life? Foundation is what we stand on so we don't fall for everything we hear that comes your way. So you won't go to and fro with no focus or discipline. For me my foundation is Christianity, I like to say I'm a believe a son of God.

Rising out of the Ashes

Its been a long time coming and I just want to be a blessing!!!For the Glory of the Lord