
Solitoode Attitoode / Blog

All songs are FREE to download!

All the songs are now available to download for free! The song Insatiable is available at http://www.myspace.com/windows?homepage=solitoodeattitoode The others are free to download at a couple of sites right now. Something new I am checking out and perhaps something you may want to check out too! So please come join me, download the music for your enjoyment and let me know if it is a good thing. Also let your friends know if it is cool too! Here are your two picks: http://www.openpot.com/SolitoodeAttitoode http://www.gimmesound.com/SolitoodeAttitoode Many gratitoodes for the Attitoode! :) Solitoode

iTunes and PayPlay

iTunes and PayPlay have just posted the album and songs on their sites now. So now you can put the songs into your playlists on their players.

A new Attitoode!

A new Attitoode is going around! A new band. A new sound. Let it expand! Something is abound. Compare, If you dare! It will be found. Solitoode