
Don Teesdale / Blog

Retired General - Offered to be an Angel Investor

One year after the attacks of 9/11, I wrote a song:

"Citizen Heroes"

On Veteran's Day 2002, a good friend, mentor, and former Commander of mine, by then a Retired Brigadier General offered to be an Angel Investor if I would pursue a music business - especially to produce and distribute that particular song.

To share my inner thoughts at the time - I was amazed at such an offer, but didn't want to owe anyone a penny. I've always earned my own way with music, never borrowing or paying on credit.

The thought of jumping into the uncertain world of the music industry on someone else's dollar, especially a friend, was quite overwhelming. Need I say frightening? No, of course not, a Soldier is not frightened of anything right? To be frank and open, I was afraid of failing - and then owing my friend.

I recalled a book I had read years earlier by Napoleon Hill which described the 7 basic fears of man. Interestingly, failure is not one of these basic fears.

The seven basic fears which appear most often in the minds of men are: The fear of poverty The fear of criticism The fear of ill health The fear of loss of love The fear of the loss of liberty The fear of old age The fear of death - Napolean Hill After further consideration, I decided to prepare my home studio, and to develop the skills needed to be worthy of such an investment. I learned all that I could about audio recording - and I decided to go back to college and earn a 2nd Bachelor's Degree - this one a BA in Music.

I never took up the offer for angel investing from my respected friend - and we still remain good friends.

Now I wonder, am I ready for an angel investor? Someone who is not a close friend but merely a business investor who cares about the idea of seeding a record label or music promotion business dedicated to the idea of bringing edifying music whether it rocks out - or reflects - all the while doesn't disrespect families, or people of faith? That's my basic business concept - and I am confident there is a huge market share for it. There are artists, bands, venues and listeners who long for an artistic approach to music that is free of cursing, suggestive themes, and angst.

I know, "edifying" music is not a genre found on genre lists.

hmmm - I wonder what it takes to make a new genre?

My Home Recording Studio

About 10 years ago I decided to build a home recording studio.

This included vocal booths and sound proof walls.

Using the sound limiting construction principles of "mass" and "isolation" this was to be a place that I could go and create music any time of the day or night.

In retrospect, I wished I invested my time into developing better chops on the piano instead of trying to create a sound proof studio. I would recommend a sound treated studio to anyone wanting to create music at home, but true sound proofing is a bridge that might be too far for most people.

Still yet, I learned a lot through the project - that is often the biggest step in the enjoyment of things - learning something new.