
Mai Lingani / Press

“L’Association pour la promotion de l’éducation sexuelle et reproductive de la femme et de la jeune fille (APESRF), créée en 2011 et présidée par l’artiste musicienne Maï Lingani, est à l’initiative d’un festival dénommé Béog Biiga. L’objectif est de venir en aide aux enfants défavorisés. La première édition se tient du 14 au 16 février 2014.”

“Le 29 novembre2014, elle était à l’Institut Français pour un concert live.Toujours souriante et très énergique, Maï LINGANI est connue pour sa grande souplesse sur scène et sa capacité à captiver et à dompter son public”

“Maï LINGANI a su progressivement et très habilement dompter son public avec des mots doux, compatissants et qui appellent à la solidarité.”

“Maï LINGANI, le sourire toujours bien affiché”

“Video du nouvel album de Maï Lingani – Coumbaya”


“En attendant la confirmation”

“lead vocalist Mai Lingani, who combines powerful pipes, wild moves, and an irresistibly joyous stage presence.”

“Dans le registre de l'actualité culturelle, on inscrira la sortie du nouvel album de l'artiste musicien burkinabè Maï Lingani,”

“Merveilles abrégées de la nature ". Au Moyen Age, c'est ainsi qu'on appelait les dames au physique de Maï Lingani.”

“Afrika Emotion, en partenariat avec le jardin de la musique Reemdoogo, organise un concert géant à l’honneur de « l’Américaine »”

“Bintou Un film de Fanta Régina Nacro Musique : Yacouba Compaoré, Maï Lingani”

“(Maï Lingani et Abdoulaye Kouanda)”

“Mai Lingani, a vocalist of irrepressible energy and unwavering self-assurance.”

“New York African Chorus Ensemble Kwanza Extravaganza Show in ...”

“Burkina Electric fait « boum » - Festival de Jazz de Montréal .”

“La voix de Maï Lingani sonne pour le Burkina”

“Maï Lingani : S'imposer avec ses racines - le Faso.net, l'actualité ...(Sidwaya,Burkina faso)”

“When Lingani starts to sing, her rich, powerful voice is so over-mic’d that it makes my stomach rustle.”

“aside from the fabulously charismatic singer Mai Lingani and her backup dancers) is seeing Ms. Armitage work through ideas of partnering.”

“Mai Lingani. One of the most acclaimed vocalists to hail from her native Burkina Faso, Lingani was a 1990s staple of Zaka, that nation’s premier music club.”

“It certainly helps that the group includes a singer as strong and charismatic as Mai Lingani—who's a star in Burkina Faso and can rough up her limber, glassy voice into a startling growl”

“the sultry-voiced singer Mai Lingani charmed and dancers riveted the crowd.”

“The spotlight lands instead on Mai Lingani, a vocalist of irrepressible energy and unwavering self-assurance. Singing (or shouting) in a handful of languages, she galvanizes even when her backing falls short, as on “To Mi To Zi,” built on a squawky electronic vamp, and “Naab Koobo,” redolent of a synth-drums demo”

“But the heart and soul of the band is lead vocalist Mai Lingani, who combines powerful pipes, wild moves, and an irresistibly joyous stage presence. ”

“One of Africa's first electronic acts, the band was formed several years ago by Austrian composer and percussionist Lukas Ligeti, with singer Mai Lingani and guitarist Wende Blass from Ougadougou, Burkina Faso, and electronics wizard Pyrolator from Dusseldorf, Germany. ”

"...The music of Ligeti and Lingani points to a new fusion, one in which electronic and acoustic sounds blur together and elements from Anglo/Euro and West African music meet, mingle and party down without one being ceding to the other."

"Lukas Ligeti and Mai Lingani take world music into the outer limits."

“Mai Lingani delivers an astounding African song during the event, backed by the choral group. ”

“Her unique sound has earned her respect for her fusion of African traditions with electronics and experimental compositions.”

“West African pop singer from Burkina Faso that New York Times’ Claudia la Rocco called the fabulously charismatic singer is back again with her band The Tangare”

“MAI LINGANI, is one of the most popular singers out of Burkina Faso, West Africa.”