
Cypress Rosewood / Press

"Your edges extend across time and space, Cypress. You reach back into time, across hearts, through the ether in so many ways.

Petlove Petshop - Cypress Rosewood SL Music Fan

"I feel like... like I've moved beyond being a musician or a radio station owner (which... really is just a connoisseur of similar musics) and become just... a dropped jawed fan. thanks. "

"Thank you Cypress Rosewood (Tony's Virtual Avatar) and the Chang-High Fireshow.. you have redefined Second Life performance art... "

Votslav Hax - Live Concert Promoter in Second Life

"THANK YOU for this "Colour My Dream" release...I've been listening to it over and over, pretty much non-stop, for the last few days. It's been especially helpful during a very stressful time. Thank you for the gift of your music to the world. You're a treasure."

Carolyn Oakley - Sonorant VR2L Media

"You've been such an intrinsic part of SL,... just knowing you're there standing for the finer qualities of us all, and our world, makes your presence here so very important. I for one, and i know there are many many, would be sad if you were to have to go... ty for being you and being here for us.

Petlove Petshop - Cypress Rosewood Live Music Fan