
Octopus Nebula / Press

“It`s becoming pretty clear that the summer of 2010 will be the launching point of Octopus Nebula’s success. This is the year when hard work is converted directly into new studio albums, national tour dates and even chumming around with the big names at Colorado’s crucial electronic summer fest, Sonic Bloom.”

“There’s an almost sinister grace that pervades Octopus Nebula and their limber, unforced sleepwalk through deep groove electronica. OK, it’s not rocket science; a quartet of live players, all more or less graduates from groove scenes of varying success and commitment quotients, more or less plugged into samples/efx/laptops/loops, what have you, coaxing that uncertain consummation between the wire and the neuron. But the current incarnation of ONeb may take part timers followers a bit by surprise, in part because they’re barely a few months along, and in part because they sound like they’ve been doing this together for years.”