
The Exceptional Conservative Show® / Blog

A New P.R.I.M.E. Directive: Strengthening Families Financially Through Marriage

America's Election Season has focused much attention on the number 1,237. The vibrant and competitive Grand Ole Party (GOP) Republican Presidential Election has all eyes on the numbers to propel either Billionaire Donald J. Trump or Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) to the Convention Nomination in Cleveland. If you listen to the "Trumpinistas", Cruz should exit stage left from Indiana and head home to the US Senate. The "Cruzites" assure us that it is impossible for Trump to win the majority of remaining primaries and that they will win the Second Convention Vote. On the Mathematically Exclusive Delegate argument, Robert Eno makes it very clear. They are all excluded of wining the GOP Nomination on the First Ballot. Eno writes."The analysis above showing that Cruz would most likely win on a third ballot, at the latest, is why Indiana has become so pivotal to his chances at the nomination. If Cruz does not stop Trump in Indiana, the likelihood is that Trump will attain 1,237 delegates before the convention, making this analysis an exercise in futility." With the Gurus of Statistical Analysis, modern cable television commentators, jockeying for prognosticator honors, there are other numbers that those seeking to institute a New Urban P.R.I.M.E. Directive should concern themselves.

For the District of Columbia, the numbers are 16,000 and 6,000. Prior to the November 2016 DC General Election, the City will implement, if they don't delay another year for essential political public relations, a five (5) year ban on Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) which provides cash assistance to needy families with dependent children when available resources do not fully address the family's needs and while preparing program participants for independence through work. Adults with dependent children receiving TANF must meet financial and technical eligibility requirements. Conditions of eligibility include cooperation with child support, participation in work activities and compliance with substance abuse provisions. Earned and unearned income cannot exceed the benefit level paid for the assistance unit size and assets are limited to $2,000.00. Sanctions may be imposed for program noncompliance.

Urban America Declare Financial Independence! Encourage Marriage in Impoverished Communities to Liberate Families from the Chains of the State! http://thevoiceofliberty.blogspot.com/2016/05/a-new-prime-directive-strengthening.html

Yes, Unique, The Black Trailblazer Is Alive and Well in American Politics

Urban Conservative, You Are Being Called Off the Island to Take Back the Main Stream!

The Green Room was alit with excitable greetings amongst the many champions of public policy. Provocative conversations about China's economy and its impact on the US economy, Nannie Helen Burroughs cultural impact and the chasms between the Republican establishment and Tea Party radicals were fervent and boisterous. Amidst the afternoon's electricity, a little 5 year old girl stood, bracing herself between two chairs, awaiting the opportunity of her life. How great it would be to return to her DC charter school to tell all that she had met her favorite Trailblazer.

Was she waiting for the elegant, former Florida Lieutenant Governor Jennifer Carroll? No. Maybe it was one of America's Great Jack Kemp Urban Economic pioneers, Robert Woodson, that stirred her fancy? No. Unique's choice of admiration was for a conservative that best supported her efforts to lead her dance and baton twirl team--Music Star BriaMarie. Posing with the "Fresh Princess", pressing her autographed CD to her heart, Unique exuded a sense of appreciation, ambition and hope that could only be found at the Fourth Annual “Black Republican Trailblazer Awards Luncheon™” in Washington, DC.

Saturday, February 20, 2016 Yes, Unique, The Black Trailblazer Is Alive and Well in American Politics http://thevoiceofliberty.blogspot.com/2016/02/yes-unique-black-trailblazer-is-alive.html


The privileges of the criminal should never exceed the rights of crime victims. It is in the seats of the power of the people that we can hold administration's accountable, repel the ambitious desires of noblemen seeking higher office and As for Henderson's late night message, nothing could propel a man more than the question: "What's Next?"

To the Legislatures! http://thevoiceofliberty.blogspot.com/2016/02/to-legislatures-binding-our.html

"I wish somebody would do something about all of this."

"I wish somebody would do something about all of this."

Amazingly, it is not merely 40 year old, grieving mothers that have lost their sons to the hard streets or cemeteries of the inner-city revealing this sense of hopelessness. It is not even overworked detectives, repulsed that they spend more time fighting the criminal justice system than enforcing the law, that impart this finishing line. Unhappily, I hear this expression from politicians, ministers, financiers and many other neighborhood leaders. Powerful men and women of access and influence seem so weak and in such great despair when the topic of comforting the families of victims of homicide, missing persons and exploitation cases. Men and women that have access to the greatest resources for serving the poor and needy seem dim of expression and display the most quizzical looks upon their faces. What is worst is that some will express the greatest concern for the resolution of cases rather than the comforts of families. It seems that once the case is solved the pressure from the families, the press and the neighborhood activists will go away. Every leader wants the "noise" to go away. The less noise, the easier it is for everyone to close the virtual drapes on the families that still grieve.

"I wish somebody would do something about all of this." http://thevoiceofliberty.blogspot.com/2015/12/i-wish-somebody-would-do-something.html

Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.

The answer is very easy. Culprits don't feel any fear. They do not fear the citizens. They do not fear the politicians--legislative or executive. They do not fear your community proposals. They do not fear law enforcement or your judiciary. They certainly do not fear their victims. What have they to fear, you ask. Only themselves. This is a sign that Urban america is not safe. Where people lack safety, they do not worship, they do not live and they do not do business. So that you get the drift, understand this. Less tax revenue comes from a lack of safety. Less revenue means either raising taxes to make illegitimate promises or enforcing the law to secure the revenue. Maybe we need to poll if I'm right.

"Crime has become the biggest problem in Washington, say D.C. residents, far surpassing concerns about the economy and the quality of public schools for the first time in almost a decade, according to a new Washington Post poll."

Well maybe it's just a concern about Southeast DC? No. Criminals think alike no matter their geography.

"Despite a multitude of differences in their backgrounds and crime patterns, they are all alike in how they think. A gun-toting, uneducated criminal off the streets of southeast Washington, D.C. and a crooked Georgetown businessman are extremely similar in the way they view themselves and the world."

Read On at

Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.


Advancing in Glory: A Letter to Paolo Stella Casu on the Status of the Charnice

My wife, Francine Milton, and I have been as resolute in our grief as we had been in memorializing Charnice. From the moment we learned of her death, we vowed a fight on behalf of the innocents. For the voiceless like Charnice that are killed on the streets of the inner city by gang members, we wage battle against the silence of neighbors that honor the "don't snitch" demands of the criminal tyrants and against the ideological partisanship that promotes victim-hood, fear and death. For decades, it has seemed that the culprits have been able to get away with murder in the Nation's Capital. In the realm of public safety, many have softened cultural stances against violent crime prosecution by falsely aligning reform arguments against non-violent reform stances. The reasoning has been enveloped in the cause of "prison reform" in the United States. Worse, advocates use "race" as a sincere argument against prosecuting violent crime. However, over 85% of those on the List of Unresolved Homicides in the District of Columbia are black men. As of this writing, the District has recorded its 140th Homicide, up 56% from last year. The heightened march of death is felt around the City however, more expressly in the most impoverished communities East of the Anacostia River. Wards 7 and 8 compose this area and is blighted by poverty, unemployment and violent crime. Simply put, no one wants to risk their lives to seed businesses, build worship centers or live in places where their life, liberty and pursuits of happiness are at great risk. Public safety is the foundation for economic renewal and cultural revitalization. We are committed to come against all that makes our Nation's Inner Cities chaotic and unsafe.

The Open Heart / Close Case Campaign was created on August 9, 2015 under the auspices of The Anacostia Coordinating Council (ACC). The OHCC Campaign is the Public Safety Arm of the Anacostia Coordinating Council (ACC) in Washington, DC. It is our advocacy agency for the defenseless like Charnice Milton and the voiceless like Relisha Rudd. We understood that when the media, the reporters, the bloggers and camera crews all go away two things remain: the need for justice and the need for closure. Justice comes when our cultural institutions open their heart to the devastation felt by the victim’s loved ones and a responsibility to make our public safe. Closure comes when all has been done to find and sentence the guilty, to salve the gnawing question of what happened to our loved ones and to set in place obstacles from such occurrences repeating. Our Campaign has yielded much fruit in the first 120 days.

Advancing in Glory: A Letter to Paolo Stella Casu on the Status of the Charnice Milton Murder By Kenneth McClenton http://thevoiceofliberty.blogspot.com/2015/11/advancing-in-glory-letter-to-paolo.html


"Proclaim liberty throughout the land unto all the inhabitants thereof." Leviticus 25:10, Inscription on the Liberty Bell The Exceptional Conservative Show had a Litany of Best Guests in 2014. DC GOP Vice-Chairman Ralph Chittams offered provocative commentary on the late Mayor-for-Life Marion Barry. Military Veteran Brigette McCoy opened the world's eyes to returning soldiers' and veterans' suffering under the Obama Administration. LTG (Ret.) William "Jerry" Boykin and Kamal Saleem left us speechless while warning that Europe's fall to Sharia Law is inevitable and that the United States' would follow succinctly. However, of all, none offered an access that could entice and entertain the World's Greatest Minds in considering America's most dramatic threats to prosperity and endurance than Dr. Mark Skousen.... CAN WE RESTORE THE AMERICAN DREAM?: A BRIDGE BETWEEN LIBERTARIANS AND CONSERVATIVES https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=5069931005719956795#editor/target=post;postID=9019584855958932518;onPublishedMenu=posts;onClosedMenu=posts;postNum=0;src=postname


Truth, even if told by the most sincere men, is painfully obvious but seldom believed. Most, even the self assured intellectual, embrace a good lie. Such a profound speak captivates the weak and the strong alike, leaving the evidence of its kiss upon the starched collars of the most faithful mortals. We deceive ourselves to think that a constitutional federated Republic remains atop its very original bedrock. On July 1, 1909, its very foundation was cracked when the Progressives in both wings of the Democrat and Republican Parties ratified the 16th Amendment which instituted the income tax. From thence to hence, the Progressives began a 100 Years War, charging the very mountain that upheld the principles of Republican governance. Finally, as Karl Marx had prophesied to President Lincoln in 1865, one would come to move the Nation completely off its foundation. "...we’re not going to deport you. The bold colors of truth and lie are often passed over for more comfortable, reassuring glances upon the faint pastels of noble intentions and political correctness. Yet, the burden to prepare a Nation for come what may requires me to exert valor when others feel the liberty to mince words. With seven words, President Barack Hussein Obama, laid down the mantel of Constitutional Executive and picked up the Crown of Emperor. READ AT http://thevoiceofliberty.blogspot.com/


"We Are Not Going To Deport You." With those seven words, the United States, Born In Revolution Of a Kingdom and Founded as a Federated Constitutional Republic, Devolved Into an Empire Ruled by An Imperial President. Many are now Turning Unto the Courts to Reign in America's New Emperor. They Are Neglecting the Power Endowed "We The People" in Article One for the Powerlessness Embalmed in Article Three. "At the establishment of our Constitutions, the judiciary bodies were supposed to be the most helpless and harmless members of the government. Experience, however, soon showed in what way they were to become the most dangerous; that the insufficiency of the means provided for their removal gave them a freehold and irresponsibility in office; that their decisions, seeming to concern individual suitors only, pass silent and unheeded by the public at large; that these decisions nevertheless become law by precedent, sapping by little and little the foundations of the Constitution and working its change by construction before any one has perceived that that invisible and helpless worm has been busily employed in consuming its substance. In truth, man is not made to be trusted for life if secured against all liability to account." --Thomas Jefferson to A. Coray, 1823. ME 15:486 So How May I Know the Day and the Hour That America Has Passed from Kingdom to Republic to Empire? So How May I Know that America's Biggest Enemy May Rule Us in Fifteen Years? Five Episodes Have Been Prepared to Show You From Whence We Came, Where We Are and What Is To Come. (1) COALITION: LTG (RET) WILLIAM "JERRY" BOYKIN & KAMAL SALEEM on T... [http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theexceptionalconservativeshow/2014/11...] (2) FIFTEEN YEARS UNTIL THE ISLAMIC UNITED STATES OF AMERICA on TECS_2N... [http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theexceptionalconservativeshow/2014/11...] (3) THE CHRISLAM SWORD on THE EXCEPTIONAL CONSERVATIVE SHOW [http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theexceptionalconservativeshow/2014/11...] (4) CATO: OF HONOR, VIRTUE, LIBERTY AND ROME on THE EXCEPTIONAL CONSERV... [http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theexceptionalconservativeshow/2014/11...] (5) ANYBODY WHO COMES INTO THIS COUNTRY ILLEGALLY IS A CRIMINAL on TECS [http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theexceptionalconservativeshow/2014/11...] I Believe in Divine Providence. I Believe that Which We Need to Know Is Revealed to Us Over Time. Do Not Slumber. Take Heed.


GUN CONTROL: THE PERSISTENCE OF JIM CROW IN URBAN AMERICA FROM THE DESK OF THE EXCEPTIONAL ONE "America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system but too early to shoot the bastards. " -C. Wolfe I know what racism is. I have been schooled over the years by men and women far more sensitive to the vibrancy of racist opinion and action. President Barack Obama has been a teacher on the principles of codification sensitivity. He even offers his grandmother as an example of the typical "white person". Former President William "Bill" Jefferson Clinton has comforted me in acknowledging his support for his wife over current President Obama does not make him a "racist". The Right--the only time this term of affection can be applied to him without offense--Reverend Al Sharpton is the icon of sensitivity to the concepts of discrimination and prejudicial thinking. I have learned that applying higher moral standards to a benevolence is certainly a racist connotation. Even locally, an apostle of ethnic solidarity, Council-member Marion "Shep" Barry, has been a pillar of scholarly consult on the mistreatment and division of men based upon natural selection of color. Fully understanding the atrocities of pride and prejudice requires to draw upon the rich, astute observations of liberal men and women that have excelled at the highest levels of society. Liberals, amazing that all are leaders within the Party of Jefferson and Jackson, have an affinity for turning a blind eye to racism and segregation either in establishing modern public policy or retelling the misfortunes of past public policies. Shrewdly, we must consider that human beings act and think according to the merits of the self-interests. In the present debate over the power of an Imperial President that seeks to rewrite the Second Amendment, it would be a "sin and a shame"--reference to my typical black grandmother, Mary Dismukes--not to add a conservative viewpoint to the balance of debate. I imagine your first mind whisper is, "Why is gun control a race thing? Can't we talk public safety without bringing race into it?" I wish such noble causes were as simple as "doing what's best for the kids". However, since the Democrats voted "God" out of their Party, I must analyze and comment based on the values and the facts that Conservatives and Liberals can agree upon. Actual History should be one of those paradigms upon which we can agree. Prior to the United States Constitution, an inhumane institution known as slavery existed. Slavery in America began when the first African slaves were brought to Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619, to aid in the production of such lucrative crops as tobacco. Apparently, a Dutchman ran out of food and could not find a McDonald's. He exchanged his slaves for food. By 1619 Jamestown had exported 10 tons of tobacco to Europe and was a boomtown. The export business was going so well the colonists were able to afford two imports which would greatly contribute to their productivity and quality of life: 20 Blacks from Africa and 90 women from England. The Africans were paid for in food; each woman cost 120 pounds of tobacco. Wow, logistics! The Africans were worth a trip to Burger King and each woman was worth 30 packs of cigarettes. "Smoke 'em if you got 'em." For the sake of convenience, an ungodly institution is introduced to the Colonies. Desperation breeds the innovation of exploitative economics. The ordained luxury of an elite few becomes the eventual disjointing of a Nation over time. However, let's not advance to far in this narrative. READ MORE AT: http://thevoiceofliberty.blogspot.com/ ATTORNEY STEPHEN P. HALBROOK & THE SECOND AMENDMENT on TECS_2NITE! http://www.blogtalkradio.com/theexceptionalconservativeshow/2014/11/06/attorney-stephen-p-halbrook-the-second-amendment-on-tecs2nite