
Ozou`ne / Blog

FEAR, FAILURE! by Ozou'ne Sundalyah (Dec. 31, 2015).

FEAR, FAILURE! These are my thoughts & reflections which Ive been impelled to share with all my friends including FB friends. If you are so inclined you are invited to come into my world as I open up to you & thus in so doing open up to myself. In the interim I end up learning more about self, myself which in itself is a success & a venture gained indeed & in deed haha. So for those of us who fear not so much failure but more so the fear of failure, I post my reflections for our mutual perusal. I wrote this in 2012. I am thus sharing with us all my updated insights. I most definitely welcome any comments or insights you may have. Thanks, Ozou`ne. It is true that action causes reaction & the process goes on & on ad infinitum. If one thinks constructively or destructively these also increase in activity & produce fruit after their own kind respectively. The only thing that fails after a while to produce after a certain period of time is inactivity! Even this is not entirely accurate as inactivity does produce after its own kind Inactivity! Ive been afraid in some respects to try because I fear the thought of failure. Failure, failure of not being good enough; failure of falling short of my own exceptionally high expectations of myself & the expectations I fear others may or may not have of me; fear of not being accepted & or liked However by not truly venturing to try I have already failed without meaning or wanting to fail by doing nothing! Paralyzed by the fear of instead of the failure of!!! Failure in fact ought to be our self-motivator as it signifies that we have & are doing something active & the results of this activity produced albeit being failure, we are producing fruit failure. We are moving thus in the right direction though it may seem to be the wrong direction even if it is indeed the wrong direction! The Key is To Do; to Continue To Do, Continue To Be, to be active as this generates more energy thus continuous failure shall inevitably lead to certain success! Failure is the only certain path to success. The only certain path to failure is inertia, atrophy. Persistent diligent effort activity sooner or later leads to positive rewarding results – success! So Do It, Do Something but do not do nothing!! Irrespective of the field of endeavor, one's vocation, race or status on the Academic or Artistic plateau or the Laborers ladder, the Aristocrat, the peasant, no one is exempt from the only common method of learning presently available to all which is trial and error whether the Genius, the fool, the Initiated, the uninitiated, the Certified, the Qualified, the dilettante, the holistic, the educated, the uneducated, the atheist, the religious or the inspired through divine or supernatural means induced or educed! The late Napoleon Hill Author of Think And Grow Rich & The Law of Success among other great Self-Help Classics writes: Dont quit to fail; do fail to quit! Someone else said: nothing beats a failure but a try. In fact if you quit after the first try youll never know if you would have succeeded. You didnt quit trying to walk or talk as a baby or infant neither did you quit trying to learn how to drive a car or quit learning how to play your favourite sport or game or pursuing the love or lust of your life, even if the person may have been unavailable! You became a verb as your desire, passion & curiosity wouldnt let you quit. Welcome then to the path of the Great Ones in History & be inspired. Through failure & in spite of failure forge on for your coveted prize of Success awaits your rightful claim now! "Failure is the only certain path to Success." Ozou`ne Sundalyah. Take it, enjoy the sojourn as you are indeed not alone on the Path!!! "Be a verb & enjoy it, rise to the challenge & embrace it for success is truly yours if you dont fail to quit!" Ozou`ne Sundalyah.

The Sojourn continues...

So in this sojourn of Music & Life, what challenges it has for those of us who insist on taking the high road as we attempt to maintain our dignity, master our artistry, survive the attempts by some of our very own peers, gigging without becoming bitter & disgruntled & continuing to be innovative while being alone aside from having the ethers & access to the school of somnambulism & muses 2 ignite & thus maintain our passion! I often say of myself that I am a victim of anachronism haha - thus is my sojourn. I remain grateful giving thanks 2 my Creator & Creative Essence as without these experiences I would not be who I am or write & compose or receive the inspiration that I have. Mmm any thoughts??? The sojourn continues on in this epic saga…