
Tones Cobb / Blog

"Red" rises on the charts.

‎"Red" stayed on the Haven NM Singles chart (www.havenforum.co.uk) for over a month, rising above bands like Coldplay and Ben Folds Five. If you haven't heard "Red," stop by and have a listen. While you're at it, join me on facebook:


Always thrilled to have a "like" on my band page.


Have a blessed 2012!

Haven - Home fatherandy2.proboards.com A site about music, sport, and so much more

100 Years of Solitude

So many have lived among us for so long with no voice. Stranger. Alien. Other. They truly have lived in Solitude.

"But I was born with no silver tongue, and I have know it since I was, since I was very young...")

Listen to "100 Years of Solitude" here:


Get your mythology on ....

Are you drawn to mythology like me? "I Ikarus" is a unique song that serves to remind us we are each that tragic figure who makes wings of wax and flies too close to the sun.

("I Ikarus" is written in 6/4 time--that takes a brief foray into "swing," which friends and fans have described as the "reggae section" :P.)

Check it out here:




Check out youtube ....

Thank you to my friends and fans! Here's a video featuring comments left by friends and fans on myspace, jango, etc. Please take a quick look--you might be quoted in the video!
