
Richard Allan Stauch / Blog

The Campaign is ON!

Come and help Project: Grace complete the album, and drive this music ministry to the next level! I mean, here I am, a mere computer guy, called and gifted by God to make great music that delivers God's call, to be united in His Spirit, on mission to "Go," and follow Jesus in all that He said. Who am I to refuse? Please, help! http://igg.me/at/GraceProject

Memorial Day

Let us never forget the ones who gave their lives in our defense. We live, because they died. And let us always be grateful to those who served. They who came back, sometimes whole, sometimes not, sometimes welcome, sometimes not, still served. It is enough.

Thank You!

I am just going to blurt this out, so you don't have a chance to stop me! THANK YOU ALL, for your support and well wishes! You People ROCK!